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Try Galaxy Fold experience followed a targeted approach towards iPhone users, oblivious to explore options outside of Apple.

Through consumer research, we learned the importance of product trial - how trying a product is more powerful than showing it. “Once You Try a Galaxy Fold, You'll Never Go Back” (CNET, Dec 2022)

So, our experience made Fold experience easily accessible right from the comfort of their own iPhones. And since it required 2 iPhones to be placed side-by-side, this social element was helpful in naturally sparking conversations within the iPhone community and resulted in a more positive brand perception post-experience.

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iPhone users are the most reluctant audience segment to try Galaxy, even with a disruptive & innovative form factor such as the Galaxy Z Fold which unfolds into a tablet sized phone.

Watching a demo film online doesn’t really convey the immersive benefit of Fold, and getting iPhone users to try it out is nearly impossible.

We learned from research that #1 reason iPhone users dismiss the Fold experience is that “Galaxy Z Fold looks cool but it’s not for me” (Sentiment research 2022).

To get them to experience Fold, we created a first-of-its-kind demo that lets them try Fold on their own terms and time, and learn how Fold offers an experience that is twice as immersive compared to their iPhones.

We’ve finally launched a first-hand experience that two iPhones are synced into a single, immersive and impressive Fold interface, where users can see the difference for themselves.

Describe the creative idea

Galaxy Z Fold’s unconventional form factor drew a global attention as the pioneer. But this was also a barrier as it was difficult to imagine true value of Fold.

Try Galaxy Fold experience is more than a product trial. It’s a shareable social experience.

We’ve selected 3 features that are unique to Z Fold (immersive view, multitasking, and gaming) and created similar experiences where users can interact seamlessly across two-screens. When two iPhones are paired together, they’re not just doubling the screen size but they’re also doubling the experience.

Double the impact by watching an epic video of an underwater scenery that spans across edge to edge of the doubled screen. Double the capabilities by interactive elements like dragging and dropping images from one app to another in multi-tasking view. Double the fun by playing a game of air hockey where the puck glides from one screen to the other.

Describe the strategy

Our target was clear - iPhone users. They are the most reluctant segment to try Galaxy, stuck in their walled garden. And Z Fold was our breakthrough opportunity to get them hooked. It was our most revolutionary smartphone that actually got their heads turning, as we started gaining more tech reviews and social chatter.

3 principles to break the inertia of iPhone users.

1. Trying is more powerful than showing. There are tons of assets that “shows” Fold like YouTube reviews, demos, and articles. But the experience can never be as real as a first-hand experience, interacting with it yourself.

2. Make it a social experience. When we bring two iPhones together, we’re essentially bringing two iPhone users together, which can naturally spark conversations and cause social buzz within the iPhone community.

3. Be disruptive yet convenient. Everything is taking place on their own iPhones that they’re already familiar with.

Describe the execution

Our 6-month development process moved towards the goal of creating an easy and enjoyable Try Galaxy Fold experience.

We used Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology, which allows direct communication of web browsers between the two iPhones, minimizing latency and allowing smooth sharing of high-quality video, audio and interaction. This connection method was key as it let us synchronize the two iPhones as if they’re one. From the user’s side, it’s as simple as scanning a QR code and pairing the two phones with a randomized 6-digit code – and they’re good to go!

Try Galaxy Fold Experience launched globally on August 2023 and has been on service until now, supporting 20 languages and available in 114 countries. We’ve maximized reach through campaign films, collaboration content with influencers, and online/offline QR installations in major cities like NYC and Jakarta.

List the results

Try Galaxy Fold Experience caught the attention of iPhone users worldwide, reaching 10.6 million app installations (Aug to Dec 2023). iPhone users from 114 countries including US, India, Brazil, and UK are Try Galaxy users.

Became a stepping stone for iPhone users to become more familiar with Galaxy. More than 75% said their perception of Samsung Galaxy has changed positively after the experience. And more than half of our users said they are more likely to consider purchasing Galaxy products.

Try Galaxy also proved to be one of our most engaging Galaxy experiences yet. Average time spent on Try Galaxy is 116 seconds which is 4.8x longer than time spent on retail-experience-app (approximately 24 seconds). And among many features, Fold Experience is where they enjoyed the most of their time.

Due to the success of Try Galaxy Fold Experience, we are planning to roll out an Android version this year.

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