Direct > Digital & Social


FCB KINNECT, Mumbai / HDFC BANK / 2023

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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

In 2021-2022, a shocking 42% of Indians fell victim to fraud, resulting in a loss of USD 7.34 Billion.

Vigil Aunty is the first-ever anti-fraud influencer, educating audiences through engaging content on latest tactics used by fraudsters, and empowers them to stay safe, always.

Our edu-tainment appealed to all Indians and connected with two key audiences – the digitally adept and the less tech-savvy elderly audiences.

In its first year, by creating an engaged digital community of over 2 Million Indians on Social and Whatsapp, Vigil Aunty was able to bring to life the message of “Stay Safe. Stay Vigil!”


HDFC Bank is India’s largest and most trusted private sector bank. Customer focus, People obsession and Product leadership are their core values. But with more than 900,000 incidents of OTP phishing in the last 2 years, the bank needed an always-on voice of caution to protect Indian customers from frauds.

Fraud prevention and protection campaigns have been done a dime a dozen, but with fraudsters changing their modus operandi frequently, none are impactful as they give the generic advice of not sharing OTP, which is just not enough.

Also, people don't believe that they can be conned and so they tend to fall prey to frauds.

Fraudsters target the digitally adept youth, but mainly the less tech-savvy elderly population. So how do we reach out to them and share information with both these audiences to make sure that they stay safe?

Describe the creative idea

We created the first-ever anti-fraud influencer!

A character with great recall and an entertainment quotient. Since aunties in India are known to be exactly that, our vigilante became Vigil Aunty!

To make her a pop-culture icon, we crafted an origin story - an ordinary woman from southern India, frustrated with the growing frauds in the country, decided to become a saviour against financial frauds for the nation. She uses her superpower - uncontrollable hiccups when in the vicinity of someone getting scammed, for the greater good.

Vigil Aunty is a walking encyclopaedia of the latest frauds, too cool to miss out on latest trends and hijacks pop culture moments. With her quirky sense of humour, Vigil Aunty was born to appeal to everyone.

No vigilante influencer is complete without a memorable signoff so…

“Stay Safe. Stay Vigil!”

Describe the strategy

We put into place an ongoing mechanism of educating consumers, that appealed to all Indians and resonated with two key sets of audiences.

The younger generation, who frequently consume digital content and are avid users of fintech services. For them, we latched on to trending social content formats and made use of local humour cues to leave an impression.

The older generation, core targets of the fraudsters, are tough to reach through digital media channels, but are active on instant messaging apps. Hence, we created a chatbot on WhatsApp to push content to them.

Vigil Aunty used humour to appeal to both groups, her personality was consciously crafted to educate and entertain the whole nation.

Vigil Aunty was omnipresent. From social platforms, WhatsApp, ATM kiosks, to movie theatres, and national newspapers. She constantly and frequently delivered the latest updates on frauds and how to be vigilant (prevent them).

Describe the execution

To make Vigil Aunty a pop-culture icon, she needed an origin story.


At the movies through a QR code that offered free popcorn, Vigil Aunty ‘pop-conned’ audiences to teach the consequences of scanning random QR codes.

Following Indian Independence Day, from the front page of all major national newspapers, Vigil Aunty asked people to join the movement to get freedom from frauds, by following her on social platforms and WhatsApp.


Vigil Aunty's always-on communication 'Stay Vigil' involved using social platforms to educate (while entertaining) audiences with various content formats.

1) A celebrity talk show, ‘What The Fraud’ to showcase that even the best of the best can be conned.

2) Her 'Fraud Patrol' series dissected a new fraud incident weekly

3) Collaboration with popular influencers and latest trends


Realizing one may still need continuous assistance, we introduced a 24X7 Vigil Aunty WhatsApp Chatbot.

List the results

Vigil Aunty became extremely popular on social media. From GenX to GenZ, she was recognized by everyone as an anti-fraud influencer.

She amassed 2.2 Million followers across platforms. Her content garnered 217 Million video views, a reach of 157 Million, and an overall engagement rate of 22%.

Vigil Aunty's 24x7 WhatsApp chatbot had a userbase of 146 Thousand and saw more than a million interactions.

Vigil Aunty helped increase positive brand sentiment by 26% for HDFC Bank.

Beyond winning the hearts of all, Vigil Aunty set the benchmark for competitor brands when it came to PSA campaigns. And, even inspired spoofs of Vigil Aunty, making her a true pop-culture icon.

Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?

Culturally, aunties have a strong social influence and are revered across India. They are trustworthy figures who help with everything from keeping your house keys to finding a marriage partner, and they feel it's their moral duty to help people around them with anything and everything.

With a substantial population adopting digital and being susceptible to financial fraud, our vigilante became Vigil Aunty!

She took it upon herself to fulfill the mission of a fraud-free India and make people aware of the latest frauds and ways to stay safe while banking.

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