PR > PR: Sectors


FCB KINNECT, Mumbai / TATA.EV / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for PR?

Remember when Tesla’s armoured window broke by a metal ball? The internet did not spare them. TATA.ev had its moment too. After Ellyse Perry, a women cricketer, accidentally broke a window of the display car at the Women’s Premier League (WPL), the internet went wild. But we chose to not slide it under the rug and make a unique keepsake from the shattered glass in just 7 days, by showing resilience and seizing opportunity. It also got us great PR across the globe, proving that quick thinking can turn a slip-up into a win—even when Tesla's facing the opposite.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In India, cricket just isn’t a sport – here GODs are made. We are glued to our screens when the men’s team is playing in one of the biggest sporting events – Indian Premier League (449 million viewership) with brand value estimated at $11 billion. But for the ladies on the pitch, it's a different story—they struggle to get noticed.

Cut to 2024, we are in the second season of Women’s Premier League, creating opportunities for young women to showcase their skills and make India a powerhouse of cricket for women. TATA, a nation-building company, has been the title sponsor since day one.

With its concurrent TATA.ev, an electric vehicle manufacturing brand and associate partner for the WPL tournament, took up the opportunity to reshape the narrative of women's cricket.

The sport has witnessed a remarkable transformation in terms of recognition, support, and infrastructure, paving the way for a new generation of talented and ambitious women cricketers – still, it is not enough. We need legends, stories, iconic moment and a culture around women athletes to make it larger than life.


TATA sponsoring Women’s Premier League, marks a new chapter in the history of women’s cricket in India. In this cricket-crazed nation, the challenge is clear: use every medium to boost those viewership numbers and to make moments and stories legendary. There will be cricketers from India and the top ones from other cricket-playing countries, competing in different teams in this tournament. Which gives us more than enough opportunities to promote this game.

Only a household name like TATA with its concurrent TATA.ev, an electric car manufacturing company, has the power to level the playing field for women in sports and get everyone talking about it.

Being the associate sponsor of the Women’s Premier League (WPL), we get to put the newly launched electric car Punch.ev on display in the stadium at every game, right next to the playing field.

Describe the creative idea

When legends of men’s cricket take a regular catch, it becomes a moment to celebrate, as fans go crazy over it all the time.

However, on March 4th, 2024, during a Women’s Premier league game between RCB W vs UPW, Ellyse Perry hit a powerful six and shattered the glass of our latest car Punch.ev! This wasn't a disaster, but an epic opportunity.

We wanted to make the moment significant and legitimise it before the world moves on. We made it a symbol of breaking barriers and a permanent reminder of this history-making moment in Women's Cricket.

Crafted from the same shattered car glass, we honoured Perry with the #PerryPowerfulPunch award. A unique trophy for a unique moment, this wasn't just a trophy; it was a statement

Describe the PR strategy

The shattered window could have been a PR nightmare. Remember Tesla? Instead, this unique trophy immortalized the moment, igniting Women's Cricket fandom and propelling the WPL into the spotlight

Women's Premier League (WPL) needed moments that gets cultural acceptance to build fandom. It's about legitimizing these moments to kickstart the cycle.

So, when Perry broke the window of the car, we decided to not reduce it just to a social media moment by putting out a post. We had to make this moment stick, so we crafted a one-of-a-kind keepsake. Ensuring we change this mishap into a moment that doesn’t get lost into oblivion.

Using glass shards from the broken window, we made it official, ensuring that this moment would be remembered for years to come. Now when any batter breaks a window? - it's always going to be a #PerryPowerfulPunch

Describe the PR execution

Perry Powerful Punch award, this name was flying around and stories popping up on every sports site, gaining us ₹5.3+ Mn as earned media and 18.22 Mn reach. Conversations about TATA WPL skyrocketed by a whopping 221% compared to the previous year. Unique sources talking about WPL, increased by 123%, just because of this moment. This generous push made the tournament’s final match as the highest viewed women’s match in the world.

And let's talk scale—it was HUGE. We're talking global attention here. From local cricket fans to big-shot sports journalists, leading publications from Australia, England and India, everyone was buzzing about Perry's accidental heroics.

In the end, the PR blitz wasn't just about fixing a broken window; it was about fixing cricket's image. And TATA.ev is off to a solid start.

List the results

Ellyse Perry broke the window, and the award broke the internet.

• #PerryPunchAward got 18.22 Mn reach

• TATA.ev gained ₹5.3+ Mn as earned media.

• Conversations about TATA WPL shot up by 221% year on year.

• Unique sources increased by 123%, spreading the word far and wide.

• The story of Ellyse who broke the window spilled over into the men’s league IPL.

• TATA.ev cemented its position in sports marketing.

Sometimes, the best moments come from the most unexpected places.

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