Cannes Lions


MEZA 1618, Sao Paulo / SANTANDER / 2018

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






The idea was to show the target what it was like to be a “VALUABLE FRIEND” - the name of the program - using the concept: "Doing good can be part of our daily lives" as its foundation. To help us get the message across, we used words that reflected the essence of the program such as LOVE, LIFE, and ACTION, found within a few words commonly used in the context of the corporate world. Those helped us to illustrate the fact that the target could be a "VALUABLE FRIEND" and a life-changing agent, anytime, anywhere. Even during their daily routines at the bank.


Over the period of 5 months, from September to January, the campaign was presented to all Santander’s employees using only internal media channels such as internal emails, intranet banners and internal social media banners. First, the small videos with the virtual encounter were broadcasted randomly using internal TVs, displays and internal social media. Only after that, posters and screensavers were placed in strategic spots to make sure the impact was as effective as possible. In addition, when the donation period started, each participant received a rubber bracelet and a mug as a symbol of their contribution and pride so their initiative would be contagious to the rest of the remainder employees who hadn’t already donated.


2017 represents a historical achievement for the “Valuable Friend” program. 638 volunteers were recruited by the campaign help the bank raise a total of R$12 MM and engage over 82% of all 50.578 Santander’s employees throughout the country. That resulted in a total of 10 thousand children that will be assisted in 38 various programs in 27 cities.

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