Cannes Lions

All Amazonia

WMcCANN, Sao Paulo / BANCO DO BRASIL / 2024

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Case Film






Over the last two decades, Banco do Brasil has undertaken a series of commitments to sustainable practices, demonstrating its purpose of caring for people and the planet. In the face of global environmental challenges and recognizing that half of the Amazon is within Brazilian territory, the bank assumes the mission of promoting the preservation and sustainable development of the region.

The requested briefing was to seize the spotlight of the global debate on the importance Amazon preservation and reaffirm BB's commitments to a green and inclusive economy, conducting a coordinated series of actions stemming from its declared Sustainability commitments.

As objectives, in addition to raising awareness about the importance of environmental preservation, the integrated action must have a significant impact on society at large, especially global leaders, businesspeople, and the international financial community, and help raise funds to support conservation and sustainable development initiatives in the Amazon region.


Inspired by the ancestral indigenous tradition of gift-giving to forge strong bonds, we developed a special item: #TOGETHERBAND All Amazonia, a bio-jewelry crafted in collaboration with the Yawanawá indigenous community. The bracelet is made from materials sourced from the Amazon rainforest, such as açai seeds, along with other materials that shouldn't be in nature, like plastic and metal from illegal weapons seized in forest preservation areas. We launched the bracelet at the UN General Assembly in NY and used it as a welcome gift for all investors the Bank met with. To amplify global impact, we orchestrated a takeover of the project in Times Square, with all screens synchronized, and with the presence of key indigenous leaders from the Amazon chanting and calling for help to preserve the forest. Hundreds of people attended the event in person in Times Square, alongside Banco do Brasil executives, politicians, business leaders, and investors.


Besides drawing attention to the cause, the #TOGETHERBAND All Amazonia strategy aimed to attract investors and raise funds to sustainable development of the forest. Therefore, the movement began with a powerful PR stunt: a 15-minute takeover in Times Square, the economic heart of the world. With all screens synchronized and the presence of key indigenous leaders from the Amazon, we brought a piece of the forest to the world, showing that it is not only made up of nature, but that there are communities, people with their own culture, art, and voice. Launching the movement alongside the UN General Assembly captured the attention of global leaders, the press, and investors. With the agenda heated and inspired by the ancestral indigenous tradition, we distributed bracelets to celebrities, politicians, and potential Wall Street investors. We created a visible and meaningful movement that made the #TOGETHERBAND a powerful symbol of commitment to sustainability.


The campaign began with the distribution of the #TOGETHERBAND to the 800 attendees of the Global Climate Conference in NY. Days later, with the entire press and global leaders gathered for the UN General Assembly in NY, we promoted the 15-minutes domination of Times Square. With all screens synchronized, the key indigenous leaders of the Amazon chanted ancestral songs to convey a single message: "We are all Amazonia". After this buzz, the week continued with meetings with investors on Wall Street. Inspired by the ancestral indigenous tradition of giving gifts to create bonds and solidify commitments, meetings with investors always began with the delivery of the #TOGETHERBAND along with materials showcasing the entire storytelling of the bracelet production. The gift, besides initiating the conversation about sustainability, became a symbol of alliance with the cause and paved the way for the raising of $1.5 billion to be invested in the region.


BB is elected for the fifth consecutive time as the most sustainable on the planet, according to Corporate Knight. With 300 million impacts and $24 million in earned media, we had a significant increase in awareness and engagement. We received recognition from the NYC Mayor's Office for contributing to the enhancement of the city's image. BB's president was ranked as the 24th most influential woman in the world by Forbes magazine. Meetings with the international financial market raised $1.5 billion, funds that are already being applied in the Amazon. We advanced in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, protecting and preserving the world's cultural and natural heritage (SDG 11), promoting Responsible Consumption and Production through the #TOGETHERBAND (SDG 12), combating climate change (SDG 13), and promoting the sustainable use of ecosystems (SDG 15).

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WMcCANN, Sao paulo



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