Cannes Lions


GAP'S , Pamplona / PAMPLONA TOWN HALL / 2010

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Objective: Try to reach the general public and specially the youth to make them aware about the risks of alcohol abuse.The concept that was used is: Do not let alcohol catch you. Walk away from alcohol and drugs. Spanish adolescents begin to drink alcohol at a very young age which implies many risks. This is why the problem has to be faced in a direct manner, and this is what we chose to do.The action was to put giant glasses in some of the city’s strategic points where the youth frequently meets. We locked adolescents inside those glasses which are the typical glasses used to drink alcohol. On the glass you could read: Do not let it catch you. Walk away from alcohol and drugs This action was completed by stewardesses' commands that were distributing bags of dizziness, merchandising, besides conventional actions and other actions of guerrilla warfare.

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