Cannes Lions


NEUE DIGITALE, Frankfurt / AUDI / 2008

Presentation Image






The eCRM-Campaign Audi A4 Globaldrives should create publicity for the Audi A4 and increase sales of the new model without actually depicting the car. The challenge was unifying an innovative design with an interactive creative campaign. To this end a completely new tailor-made technical solution was needed which, for example, was able to integrate mapping data in Flash.The central area of the site is the world map where users can enter their dream routes and take part in a competition. Every route can be judged by other users with up to five stars. The routes are individually presented via images, features and a voting functionality. The route creator and voter win the chance to drive the route for real. Integrated statistics also show interesting details about people and routes. The user has the possibility to view the statistics in different ways - therefore interacting with the tool.

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