Cannes Lions


DPZ, Sao Paulo / BMW / 2014

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Case Film
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Night Vision is a BMW technology that detects pedestrians and animals in the dark. Figures appear on the Control Display and if there’s a risk of collision, it warns the driver. To demonstrate this technology, we used reflective varnish to paint images on new media, such as walls and objects, at strategic low-light places. These images could only be seen when the car’s headlights shined on them. People could experience the importance of Night Vision without driving a BMW.


The idea engaged the target audience in a way they experienced a sample of BMW’s technology inside their cars from rival brands. This provoked an inevitable comparison and attracted a great number of potential consumers interested in getting to know more about Night Vision and other technologies BMW offer in their models. Searches on the net and visits to the retail stores grew significantly what converted a relatively small investment into buzz and a raise of sales for BMW.

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