Cannes Lions
FCB ZÜRICH, Zurich / REPOWER / 2016
The benefit of 24 hour availability is shown with 24 hours. Or to put it simple: We created a real clock out of real electric cars.
Here is how it worked: For 24 hours a digital clock was created. The clock was made of real BMWi cars which were parked in the form of a digital clock display. Every minute the cars were moved in realtime to show the new time. The whole time our „clock“ was filmed from above and live streamed online. The digital – but at the same time real – clock worked as the key visual of our promotional campaign.
For 24 hours we made a real digital clock out of BMWi cars. The cars were filmed and the video was used to create lots of advertising material. For example youtube videos, screensaver, banner and widgets. The clock was spread all over the media and created a great awareness online. In addition the virtual clock was used in showrooms and as projection. During the promotion the clock got lots of attention by the people of Switzerland.
The results were impressive: The clock became directly popular within the car community. More than 1,200,000 people downloaded the clock onto their computers. And with it, the key message. Repower registered a 640% increase in visitors on their website. The number of usage of Repower charging stations increased fivefold in just three months. This campaign has increased and expanded the e-mobility network in Switzerland.
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