Cannes Lions

Carling iPint - Cheers to Win


Presentation Image
Case Film






Analytics showed us that ‘Pour a Pint’ was still popular. Our thinking started there, and like any effective marketing initiative, landed on something simple and easy to understand.

Cheers to Win.

Simply put: Pour your pint, cheers with a mate and you could win rewards from Carling.

Behind the scenes, iPint is powered by a multi-tiered rewards platform and relevance engine, delivering highly relevant content and rewards based on the user’s profile, usage behaviors or their immediate circumstances (nearby a pub, supermarket, stadium… or inside a beacon enabled pub).

Outside of cheers, rewards and experiences are activated through additional triggers, such as, on purchase or a big football match.

This is all delivered with Carling flair; e.g, non-winning cheers, will see an epic fail gif, the reverse for a win. Making even the attempt to win a brand building moment, capable to creating a moment in the pub.


The Interaction: Pour a pint commands a moment in the pub, extending this moment with ‘Cheers to Win’ is both fun and a member get member mechanic.

The ‘Cheers’ mechanism was no small feat. With Google’s patient over ‘bump’ we had to invent a new way to facilitate a cheers gesture across devices.

The Rewards: rewards had to be flexible, relevant and have the power to drive footfall and influence at point of purchase. This meant incorporating multiple reward and redemption routes, and using 3 proximity technologies. Location services to drive footfall, iBeacons to tailor rewards in a pub and WIFI to gather data on interests for ongoing relevance.

UI: Our UI approach adopted a card system for a modern UI that could support tactical campaigns alongside core functionality. The UI and flow was then tested with real users (in the pub and a controlled environment). This made for 5 iterations before launch

The backend system is the brains behind the implementation with detailed profiles being built for each user as they interact, which enables relevant content and rewards, usage and retention overall

iPint was rolled out on 5million packs at soft launch.

iPint was 12 months in the making


iPint had a mini launch in Dec 2015, via limited on-pack promo and a small display campaign. This campaign drove 500k downloads and demonstrate strong behavioural results


760,000 virtual pints poured

450,560 cheers between mates

200,391 vouchers assigned

£1,000,000 worth of rewards redeemed (and each redemption means driving footfall)

No.1 In the app store food and drink category and featured on google play

74.3% of all users visited the app 10 times or more, demonstrating retention and an experience that hits the mark.

Off the back of this success, iPint will be launched at scale, on 28 million packs across the UK on May 2016

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