Cannes Lions

Corona Sunset Spots

DDB COLOMBIA, Bogota / CORONA / 2024

Case Film
Supporting Images






In a world where work holds dominion over our days, the elusive quest for relaxation outdoors becomes a distant dream. Trapped within the confines of walls, we surrender 95% of our lives to the indoors, neglecting the vital 5% where our souls truly thrive. Thus, the imperative emerges: to liberate our consumers from the shackles of routine, guiding them back to reconnect with their essential nature. Our mission? To engineer an outdoor experience where sunset ignites the spirit every day, forging a pathway to inner peace and profound connection. Our objectives were clear: to emancipate, rejuvenate, and ignite the feelings associated with enjoying the sunset, besides:

- Increase salience in a minimum of 4 percentual points.

- Increase at least 0,5 percentual points in Brand Power

- Increase the attribute of “The beer for relaxing with others” by 15%.


In the hustle and bustle of our urban jungles, the fading glory of sunsets adds another layer to our daily chaos. Yet, this loss isn't merely aesthetic; it's a tangible blow to our collective happiness, backed by science.

This is Corona Sunset Spot: a revolutionary platform that strategically positioned different venues to capture the last rays of daylight amidst towering structures where sunset lands in Bogotá, Medellín, and Barranquilla. These carefully curated spots offer respite from the urban frenzy, inviting all to savor a moment of tranquility with a chilled Corona in hand.

A billboard by appearance, but within lies a transformative oasis—a customizable bar set where sunlight lingers, bringing a slice of beachside into the city.


Our target audience comprises men and women aged 25 and above, who, as revealed by a OnePoll study, express a preference for rural living due to its tranquility (61%) and reduced stress levels (49%) compared to urban environments. Nonetheless, even those who are constrained to reside in urban areas deserve to enjoy the serenity and connection with nature that sunlight brings.

With this in mind, we have devised a solution by leveraging hidden locales where the sun's rays penetrate, gracing only select city buildings with their presence. In these spaces, we have pioneered a new media format that not only delivers a message but also offers an immersive experience, allowing individuals to reconnect with the sunset amidst the chaos and hustle of urban life.


We conducted an exhaustive search for locations where light filtered into the heart of the city, meticulously selecting the best spots to ensure a unique experience. Additionally, light studies were conducted at each location to pinpoint the optimal time frame between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm. Once the perfect location and lighting conditions were identified, we swiftly moved to set up the experience within a few days, recognizing that the passage of time meant the light's position would shift. All of this was meticulously planned to achieve the perfect sunset experience at each location. The rollout began in Medellín in October 2023, followed by Barranquilla in February 2024, and a three-week stint in Bogotá from March to the first week of April.

Access to these spots was facilitated through social media invitations, providing open access to each location where attendees are treated to a complete Corona Sunset experience.


We brought the sunset to the citizens in a way they had never experienced before, transforming an unnoticed glimpse of the sun into a noticeable oasis in the middle of the city. The results speak for its selves:

- Salience +7,5 percentual points.

- Brand power increased by 0,6 percentual points.

- The attribute of being the beer for relaxing with others increased by +20%. Highest growth rate in the last 2 years

So now, Corona is not only the top-of-mind brand for beaches and vacations but also the brand for frequent, relaxing occasions connected with sunsets, reaching more than 4,5 million with this initiative and obtaining more than USD$500.000 on free press.

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