Cannes Lions Return the Hacker Jedi, William Chen

W, Shanghai / DIANPING.COM / 2016

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Creating a virtual character

In this case, we developed a fictitious hacker: William Chen, and created a legendary resume for him: making paralysis American communication network by his hacking skills when he was 19 years old, and protested the launching conference for discontent over the arrogance of Apple etc. In this way, we succeeded building him into a bold and naturally-gifted Robin Hood on the Internet.


We established a 6-person working team for this project, which included one Creative Director, one Copywriter, one Designer and two Animators. We worked together for three weeks and most of the work was done by this internal team, like the VO talent was the Copywriter himself.

In the video, we simulated the animation of IOS system with After Effect software, making the APP Mixer so realistic that most people believe it truly exists.


1. More than 3.43 million views watched the viral video (data from QQlive).

2. There are more than 1.71 million Baidu search items related to APPMIXER (data from Baidu Search).

3. The moment the viral video went online, a large number of consumers post comments or voluntarily forwarded the video.

4. Many websites voluntarily uploaded the download links of APPMIXER as tribute, driving up secondary transmission.

5. It leads to heated discussions about the feasibility of APPMIXER and the use of creativity in brands promotion on many IT forums

6. Dianping “Dine and Dash” significantly raises product awareness and sales by transfering brands promotion into sales.

7. Although this project has gong online for three months, many we-media, big V of weibo and Wechat (verified weibo users who have more than 500,000 followers) and consumers voluntarily forwarded and spread the information.

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