Cannes Lions


TOKYU AGENCY, Tokyo / NEXT / 2011

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HOME’s, a real estate/housing information portal website, only had a budget 1/20 the size of its competitors. Therefore, it was in need of a promotion that generated and spread buzz on a large scale but on a small budget.THE SOLUTION [The Most Difficult Quiz Ever]- Used outdoor ad to announce a very difficult quiz, embedding a secret code into a floor plan.- Successful breaker of the code would win the right to live in a prime lease-type luxury condo.- Used large-sized, wide-reaching outdoor ad space in Shibuya, where Japanese trends start, to announce the quiz.THE RESULT- Although the ad was only done in Shibuya (media cost: 25 million yen), the publicity exposure it received in major media, like Fuji TV’s morning news program "Mezamashi TV", national newspaper Sankei Shimbun, and Yahoo! News, as well as buzz in social networking sites, the word spread across Japan. Ad value conversion: over 400 million yen.-The promotion drove record traffic volume to the client’s website.- Record number of access per day was 810,000.-Total Page Views: 9.3 million.


Twist added to hype up buzz - 1) Announcement of the QuizShibuya - where Japanese cultural trends start.Shibuya is a part of the metropolis which has one of the world’s highest amounts of “people traffic”.Outdoor ad space in a town that on a daily basis reaches 400,000 people.The quiz was announced via the famous, large-scale ad space called “Big Sheet” on the wall of Tokyu Department Store (Toyoko Branch), built directly over Shibuya (train) Station.To add further twist to hype up buzz - 2We employed a quiz creator with the highest level of authority for the media and SNS to consider the quiz newsworthy.Japan Mensa - an organization founded in the 1940s by 2 people - an Australian barrister and a British scientist and lawyer, is an organization which only people with IQ over 148 can become members of.


- How to solve the quiz became a widely discussed topic among the public.- It became #1 in the Currently Most Searched Words on Google ranking.- The ad was placed in Shibuya, which is just one part of central Tokyo (media cost: 20 million yen), however, from the plaza in front of Shibuya Station, the word spread across Japan.- Resulting PR exposure was worth over 400 million yen.- Fuji TV “Mezamashi TV” (major morning news program), Nihon TV “Zoom-In SUPER” (major morning news program), TBS “Hiruobi”, TV Asahi “Yajiuma Plus”, Sankei Shimbun (national newspaper), Sports Nippon, SANKEI EXPRESS, Yahoo! News.- This promotion resulted in driving astonishing amount of traffic to HOME’S official website.- It was "Accessed 80,000 to 100,000 times a day" and was even used as headline for a newspaper article. However, in reality, the website recorded 10 times the traffic volume "810,000 times a day".- Total number of Page Views: 9.3 million.

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