Spikes Asia

Let’s Give India Its Childhood Back


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Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
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India has the highest number of malnourished children in the world, (46.8 million children)*. 50% of this malnourishment can be attributed to lac of WASH practices. 1/3rd of which fall ill repeatedly and do not enjoy the simple joys of childhood.

Through the adoption of 3 simple WASH (Water sanitation & hygiene habits) healthy habits –

1. wash hands before eating

2. drink pure water

3. use clean toilets

It was proven that problem of malnourishment could be abated.

The Swachh Aadat, Swachh Bharat (SASB) program wanted to bring about the adoption of the above practices to help children have a healthy life.

Our objective was to drive this ‘adoption of these habits’


See: The video showcased the harsh reality of everyday living amongst the wash stressed while communicating the need for adoption of healthy hygiene practices. The film showcased a real village where habit adoption drive was adopted.

Think: In this phase of the campaign we brought alive the power of print. The essence of newspaper lies in the information, knowledge that it can pass on to its readers. We combined together the power of leading competing publications across the key metros to influence the enablers. It is never before that competing publications have agreed to come together, carry each other’s logo & or unite on a single platform.

Act: Eachone Reach one, the last leg enabled every reader, every individual to reach out & make a change. Education drives across rural slums inspired to go out and contribute. The campaign empowered with downloadable material to reach out and make a difference.

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