Cannes Lions



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This case study tells the story of how the Heart & Stroke Foundation (the Foundation) woke up our Baby

Boomer target to the stark realities of heart disease and stroke, which takes 1 in 3 Canadians before their

time. We crafted the Make Health Last campaign, which saw provocative multi-channel ads informing

Canadians that the average Canadian will spend their final decade in sickness and disability, and

encouraged them to act now to ensure their last ten years of life would be lived in health. As part of the

campaign, and to help our target audience make a positive change in their lives, we developed the website, a comprehensive and personalized health education platform, to enable

Canadians to regain control of their health.


In TV, we used a split-screen narrative to follow the life of a man through two possible fates: on the left, a

life filled with vitality; on the right, a life defined by sickness and disease. We asked: What

will your last 10 years look like? The average Canadian will spend their final decade with sickness and

disability. But you can change your future and grow old with vitality. The execution closes by encouraging

Canadians to change their future at - where they can take a personal risk assessment.

Radio, Print, Media Integration Partnerships, Digital, and OOH also helped present the current reality and

the element of choice nationally. Each medium mirrored the TV juxtaposition presenting a choice of two

options of a future: one active and one of illness. They posed the same question as TV, forcing the viewer

to think and make a choice about their future.


All sources for these results and calculations can be found in the confidential section of this submission.

Awareness: Exceeded goal at 72% (Pre-Initiative: 52%, Goal: 70%).

Consideration: Significant uplift with 27% of Boomers saying “the Foundation’s work is inspiring to me personally” (up from 21%).

Action: c.200,000 people took our 7 minute Risk Assessment at

Return on Investment:

- 9.6 million Baby Boomers in Canada

- Heart disease and stroke will take 3.2 million Canadians.

- To derive a value for improving the quality of life, we use quality adjusted life years. In North America, the standard is $50,000 per year of quality life.

- With our media costs, we would only have to improve the quality of life for 60 at-risk Canadians for just one additional year to cover the campaign's cost.

- That’s just 0.03% of the c. 200,000 people that took our online Risk Assessment.

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DDB , Paris


2020, UNESCO

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