Cannes Lions

Move To Mars


Presentation Image
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Case Film
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The United Nations Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. Its objective is to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create a better future.

The brief of this campaign was to invite companies/CEOs to sign the UN Global Compact and commit to the UN Sustainable Development Goals related to access to clean water, carbon mitigation, anti-corruption practices, fair wages, mental health care programs, and gender and racial equity in companies. We had to bring all of these movements tied together in one simple and powerful idea.


From our insight: there's is no more room on Earth for companies that don't follow sustainable practices, we started to think if there was room on anywhere else... Maybe on another planet? So instead of asking companies to follow sustainable practices, we decided to tell them to move to a place where these practices weren't needed: planet Mars.

To deliver this idea we created a "real" campaign for a "new business destination", in the same style of other business destinations campaigns: with an impactful film, showing pictures and footage of Mars, talking about its business advantages, etc.

And for every issue related to UN sustainable development goals on Earth, we offered an equivalent solution on Mars: climate change on Earth - unlimited carbon emissions on Mars, equal gender opportunities on Earth - no gender representation on Mars, mandatory living wage on Earth – no currency on Mars and so on.


Our target audience was mainly the people that work in companies and, more specific, the CEOs of these companies. We had to talk to the people that had the power to decide and commit to the UN development goals.

But we didn't have time nor budget to make a specific campaign for each one of these development goals (that are 7 in total: access to clean water, carbon mitigation, anti-corruption practices, fair wages, mental health care programs, and gender and racial equity). We had to have an idea that brought together all these issues.

So we used an approach that was familiar to our target, using "campaign of business destinations" style.


Our target audience was corporate employees of many companies and more specific, the CEOs of the biggest companies in Brazil.

We produced a film, a website and some digital material, and launched the campaign without saying that it was a UN Global Compact campaign. It was created to feel like a real "business destination campaign". We needed to create buzz around this and make people reflect on if it was true or not.

Then, at an event where 100 Brazilian CEOs were invited, we revealed what this was about: the "Move to Mars" campaign was not real, it was just a "bait" to talk about sustainable development and social responsibility.

After the event, we launched the campaign on the internet, now with the twist at the end, explaining the campaign insight.

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