Cannes Lions

The cast-away



3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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After years of devastation of the Amazon rainforest and the country's natural resources, the overwhelming impacts of climate change are only getting stronger. This terrible situation led Brazil, one of the countries with the most rivers in the world, to face its greater water shortage in history. The situation became so chaotic, an island formed inside one of the largest water reservoirs in Brazil. To call attention to the crisis, the Global Compact had the first environmental campaign to help make an island disappear.


To call attention to the water crisis, the Global Compact had the first environmental campaign to help make an island disappear. We placed a castaway on the island, who became an influencer on social networks by posting about his everyday routine, as well as data on the water crisis and an unusual message: "SINK THIS ISLAND." His posts were also made into a diary, delivered to politicians, businesspeople, and opinion makers. This called the attention of several media outlets that made the castaway a spokesperson for the fight against climate change and its devastating effects.


In a world where one of the great concerns is the disappearance of islands because of the rising sea level, the U.N. Global Compact used the strategy of asking people to do the opposite: "Sink this island." But it wasn't a regular island. It was an island that formed in the largest drinking water reservoir in Brazil, caused by the greatest water shortage the country ever had. This water shortage was caused by the fires and devastation in the Amazon rainforest. However, deserted islands only become relevant when there's a castaway on them, so that's what we did. With the goal of promoting the demands of the project and warning about the impacts of climate change, an influencer went to live on the island, and used his social networks to communicate with a now remote society.


To call attention to the water crisis, the Global Compact had the first environmental campaign to help make an island disappear. In the first of three phases, we placed a castaway on the island, to call media attention to the issue. Then he started behaving like an influencer on social networks, posting about his everyday routine, as well as data on the water crisis and an unusual message: "SINK THIS ISLAND." Finally, we turned the entire storytelling content into a diary, which was delivered to politicians, businesspeople, and opinion makers. This called the attention of several media outlets that made the castaway a spokesperson for the fight against climate change and its devastating effects.


It would be pretentious to say that the campaign ended the water crisis in Brazil. But we certain contributed to alleviate it. In fact, the best response for the Global Compact was to lay the groundwork so they could reach new businesses with a relevant discourse, and a subject that is making headlines on the country's main news outlets. We had more than 7.5 billion media impressions, with a 348% increase in mentions on Google, and, especially, government authorities and agencies engaged and became more assertive in monitoring and intervening to fight deforestation.

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