Cannes Lions

Tape Recorder


Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
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The UN Global Compact is an entity that operates on multiple fronts. One of these is Climate Action. The briefing aimed to highlight the urgency of taking action on climate change. The target audience included the general population and influencers, but especially decision-makers within companies, as the Global Compact primarily addresses businesses that should commit to issues related to carbon footprint, sustainable existence, etc., to become signatories.


The idea from the start was to create an installation, a mechanism that would actually work live. With it operating in a gallery, we aimed to transform it into a film to be viewed (and shared) not only by those who could see it live. The creative insight of using an audio clip from the 1980s featuring Carl Sagan amplified our message that what was urgent four decades ago is now an emergency.


The strategy was to create something impactful and highly shareable on social media, especially via WhatsApp, which is massive in Brazil. Additionally, it needed to be clever but low budget, as NGO budgets are typically small. Given the importance of the topic, we understood the value of influencers. Therefore, engaged individuals like DJ ALOK, one of the most famous in the world, also brought significant visibility by sharing the film on their platforms.


The craft is one of the great magical elements of this campaign. A real mechanism that causes a cassette tape to move automata in the shapes of different animals. This brings a lot of poetry and, at the same time, impact to our message. The physical installation was launched in an art gallery for journalists and influencers. Subsequently, the video was released, generating enormous reach especially via social media channels of giant influencers like DJ Alok.


In terms of reach, it's estimated that 80 million Brazilians saw this campaign or film (2 million in earned media). But the key is that it reached opinion leaders within large companies. As a result, 70% of the top 100 companies in Brazil signed the Global Compact (and 400 out of the top 1,000). This represents a 140% increase in signatories compared to the previous year (of course, a result of efforts beyond this particular piece).

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