Cannes Lions



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Challenge: Make the Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig (MDBK) more popular with the local people of Leipzig. People who had no particular interest in art and who had prejudices against the MDBK should identify the art museum as a vital part of their home.Objectives: Bring more visitors from Leipzig to the Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig. Improve the local image of the museum.Strategy: Play in motive and claim with the double meaning of the word "master" which refers to both old masters (of art) and master craftsmen. Show real artisans from Leipzig as testimonials people can identify with. Spread the motives as posters, billboards, stickers etc. all over Leipzig and relevant websites for nine months. Accompany the campaign with guided tours by master craftsmen in the museum.Outcome: Remarkably more visitors from Leipzig than before, positive feedback of locals of Leipzig. Great press feedback.


Our target group felt closer to local artisans than to international fine arts. So we won over master craftsmen, opinion leaders for a large amount of people, as testimonials for a promo campaign with motives which include both old masters and master craftsmen. More than 300 master craftsmen followed our casting call. The photographer was Albrecht Tübke, a renowned artist from Leipzig. In the promotions they promote the museum by inviting everybody to the MDBK while standing in front of artworks.

The resulting posters and billboards were spread all over Leipzig from August 2010. The promotion did not just include posters, promo material and media coverage – for further identification artisans gave public guided tours in the museum, e.g. the featured hairdresser: "Hair Styles in Art".


Major press coverage of regional and national newspapers and magazines, radio and television channels (on and offline) even before the campaign started in August 2010. Proud masters all over the city and on the web: on websites of handicraft businesses, the city of Leipzig, the chamber of crafts, on forums, blogs and social networks. Advertising on billboards, posters, on buses, trains, vehicle fleets, in shops, etc. The campaign posters even appeared in Germany`s most popular TV thriller series "Tatort". An absolute record number of more than 180.000 visitors in 2010 (2009: 112.000). Almost 50% of them from Leipzig. The campaign had an immediate impact: from August to December 2010, there were 6905 visitors more than in the same time frame in 2009. Almost 100 annual tickets more were sold than in the year before. (Source: MDBK Leipzig)

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