Cannes Lions



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Because avoiding sex in the sexiest city in the world isn’t so easy, Pornhub wanted to do more than just raise awareness, they wanted to help people avoid temptation altogether by giving their desires an outlet.

To do so, Pornhub launched a unique health initiative called "Ooohlympics". For the 16 days after the opening ceremony, anyone in Rio could go to our dedicated website and receive free access to Pornhub Premium for the remainder of the games. That way if they were feeling the urge, they would have something to keep their minds, and hands, occupied. Because if you had to stick to only "individual" sports at the 2016 games, you should at least be training with the best material possible.


In order to get the word out, we created a animated video (launched during the opening day of the games) that redirected users to where they could sign up for their Pornhub Premium access (the site had a tool that verified if users were indeed in Rio de Janeiro), learn about Zika prevention and see a ranking of which countries were participating in the initiative.

To raise additional awareness, we sent a street team to Rio for the first days of the Olympics to interview visitors and locals alike, lecture them on the dangers of the virus and hand out 3000 “Zika Prevention Kits” containing a Zika info booklet, a code for a free Premium Trial, as well as some lubricant (to help avoid any non-sport related injuries).

We also tweeted out to top athletes who had publicly expressed concern about going to Rio, creating additional buzz on SM.


The campaign was received very positively both among the public and the mass media, being reported on by more than 400 outlets, among them Cosmopolitan, VH1, MTV, GQ and Metro news. This positive sentiment was echoed on social media, and expounded upon in our interviews with people of all nationalities in Rio who commended Pornhub on the initiative.

As for the direct impact on Pornhub Premium, there were measurable results. During the 16 days of the campaign, more than 40,000 people signed up for free trials, with an additional 86,000 attempting to do so but being rejected because they were not in Rio. Of those, 36,000+ signed up for an optional 7 day trial that involved additional data. Of them, 12,000 went on to sign up for a monthly or yearly subscription(at the cost of 9.99€/month) Of the 40,000+ who recieved the free 16-day Ooohlympics trial, more than 10,000 subscribed, leading to a total of 24,000 new users and the largest single surge in Premium sign-us to date. This leads to an estimated monthly earning of almost 25o,000€.

All in all, Pornhub created a unique solution for a public health crisis while having a positive impact on the brand and raising the profile of their Premium service in the process.

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