Cannes Lions


DM9DDB, Sao Paulo / ITAU / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Brazil has more than one cell phone per inhabitant. Besides that, in 2013, tablet and smartphone sales have skyrocketed: 142% and 122% each. Following the same path, apps and games show a solid growth among users. Besides that, soccer is the number one content consumed by Brazilians, dominating all medias: TV, radio, newspapers, online and mobile.


Not only did we change the way people interact with print advertising, we changed the way fans experience their favorite moments in the history of Brazil’s National Soccer Team. And, by doing that, we highlighted Itaú’s sponsorship during the most important moment for soccer fans: the World Cup.


This project is still on a beta phase. We wanted to test people’s response in order to make it better and bigger in the near future. So, as a start, an ad was published in the sports section of Estadão, one of Brazil’s major with 490,000 readers daily. Besides that, we had posters on the subway, which may have reached more than 50,000 people per day, and table tops at restaurants and bars frequented by soccer fans.

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