Cannes Lions
The number of dogs that need blood donation is rising in the Philippines. However, there are no dog donors that can readily give blood, mostly because of the lack of public awareness among pet owners—they don’t know that their dogs can donate blood. That’s why most dogs in urgent need of a transfusion do not survive.
We needed to create a campaign that would create a ready community of pet owners willing to let their dogs donate. With a budget of only 3,900 USD, the campaign needed to reach pet owners in Manila in locations where they frequent.
Together with Cara Philippines, the country’s biggest organization that protects animal rights, the agency created “Red Dogs,” a postcard campaign designed to raise awareness for dog blood donation. The postcards featured images of dogs whose markings and coat patterns were turned to red instead of the breed’s traditional colors, showing how donated blood is a part of them. Each postcard featured a different dog breed, and various information about the need for blood donation in the Philippines.
We took and shot images of dogs of different breeds, from a Dalmatian, French Bulldog, Labrador, Maltese, to an Aspin (local Philippine dog breed.) These are the top breeds present in the Philippines. The colors and markings on the each of the dogs’ coats were turned to a deep red in post.
600 postcards measuring 5 x 7 inches were printed and distributed to pet parents in identified locations. This include weekly Cara Phil events for pet owners, pet-friendly condominiums, dog parks, Sunday markets and veterinary clinics within Manila. More postcards are currently being printed and distributed.
To date, the dog blood donation campaign has reached 6,000 people in various CaraPhil events and pet-friendly locations across Manila.
New members who signed up with the Dog Blood Donors PH Facebook page increased by 43%.
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