Cannes Lions

Remake the Moment

OGILVY, New York / COCA-COLA / 2024

Case Film
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Building association between meals and Coca-Cola has long been one of the key drivers for getting more people reaching for 1+ more Coca-Cola each week.

In 2024, faced with the perennial challenge of getting more people to drink more Coca-Cola each week and growing market share, they needed to double down on being front of mind at mealtime. Their goal was to build positive association between meals and Coca-Cola, and drive engagement around the culture of eating out. When people were thinking about eating out, we wanted them to think of us, because they have a positive emotional connection to meals and Coca-Cola.

Additionally, the goal was to earn media impressions and create buzz on social media by creating a culturally impactful experience.


In the year of the remake, we didn’t just remake a song. We remade an entire moment in music history. The Cazuza activation was part of the global Foodmarks campaign, which recreated iconic meal moments with Coca-Cola.

The activation was a direct remake of a photograph taken of Cazuza sharing a magical meal moment with a Coca-Cola at a pizzeria in the 80s. From the restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, to the food, to the friends and family from the photo – even the table they ate at.

To ensure we paid homage to Cazuza’s music, we had multi-platinum artist Jão, also known as “the modern day Cazuza,” do a tribute show, featuring Cazuza’s greatest hits.

The Foodmark reinforced the message that Coca-Cola is, and was there for the most iconic moments in culture, in this case, music culture.


The target audience is Moment Makers: Gen-Z and Millennials who pay attention to what's hot and what's not in culture and are always connected to the world around them.

Needs have shifted from a need for food to a desire for food experiences; competition to be front of mind has become greater than ever. Coca-Cola would take the lead in food culture and elevate the experience of people looking for more from their meals out, to give them a story they can connect with. Recreating, marking and giving access to meaningful food experiences would form the key to our approach.

We had one of the biggest Gen Z stars in Brazil right now, Jão, perform and connect with audiences through his social media. The entire show was also live-streamed through YouTube. The social-first strategy resulted in the event trending and getting more mentions than Madonna.


We built a positive association between meals and Coca-Cola driving engagement around the culture of eating out.

Preliminary results show that the Meals Occasion share has increased by +3.7% vs +.3% competitors in LATAM.

It became the #3 trending topic. There were over 320K+ viewers on the livestream of the show. It was a 100% sold out attendance. Over 89.5% positive or neutral sentiment and 95 Million impressions.

We succeeded at our mission of making Cazuza trend in culture again in Brazil, even earning more mentions than Madonna, and associating Coca-Cola with music culture.

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