Cannes Lions

Shoulders of Greatness


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Case Film
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Leading up to the 2018 Olympics, Head & Shoulders decided to extend its “Shoulders of Greatness,” campaign; a long running initiative showcasing the challenges athletes carry on their shoulders, and how they are motivated to overcome these challenges, defy biases, and define a kind of greatness that has the power to unite everyone.

No athlete proved more exemplary in this regard than Gus Kenworthy. An Olympian in 2014, Gus faced an immense personal challenge ahead of the 2018 games. Only his closest loved ones knew the burden he was carrying: that he was a gay man competing in a world that often, does not understand the depth and complexity of sexual orientation.

Gus feared coming out publicly would potentially make him vulnerable to harshness and ugly hatred. However, if told right, Gus and his loved ones knew his story would allow him to compete as his authentic self; inspiring millions.


It was vital that any campaign about Gus’ story emphasized how multi-faceted and relatable his journey was, while crafting a breakthrough moment for Gus as a representative of the LGBTQ community.

As such, Head & Shoulders knew sharing such a story carried tremendous social responsibility, and could only be done with the same authenticity and courage that Gus exemplified.

For Gus’ "Shoulders of Greatness," we set out to amplify the heartfelt story of a man overcoming external bias and internal doubt on the way to greatness—a story of breaking personal and social barriers to unite communities, families, and a divided nation.

Gus could proudly share his story with his own voice in a national television spot, the first ever to display the PRIDE flag. The depth of his narrative would be explored and supported via high-profile appearances on trusted media partner platforms who could convey the proper scope.


Research showed that millennials, a vital H&S market, strive to succeed; but aren’t provided the tools or support to cope with personal or professional challenges

We also found that while over 50% of the American population currently deals with dandruff, only 12% of the population uses anti-dandruff shampoo of any kind—a massive growth opportunity for H&S to reach a younger audience.

We also believed that we identified with millennial values. Resilience, perseverance, and pushing past challenges to achieve greatness, were narrative themes that our intended audience would find captivating and refreshing.

Nobody embodied those principles more than Gus Kenworthy, who at the time of launch was at the height of his celebrity. By pairing his presence with trusted media partners, we’d amplify Gus’s voice to share his personal journey and inspire others.


The campaign was a true-life narrative—one of a man who, despite athletic success, struggled for years withholding a secret that was central to his identity.

Leading into the Olympics opening ceremony, we partnered with Good Morning America on a segment covering an emotional interview with Gus and his mom, showing how deeply holding onto that secret had affected Gus’ life.

To create more “talkable moments” we built a paid media integration into an editorial segment on The Ellen Show. The program aired the “Shoulders of Greatness” commercial in-show, ran digital across Ellentube, and culminated in a surprise donation to one of Gus’ favorite charities, The Trevor Project.

We chose Complex as the partner to help change perception for the H&S brand. Together, we developed a visual narrative addressing Gus’ representation of the LGBTQ community, the heart-warming relationship with his mentor, his rise to fame and courageous coming out story.


By building a genuine and authentic storytelling arc surrounding Gus’ decision to come out, we were able to boost social responses, positive sentiment, and direct appreciation. More importantly, we were able to drive meaningful conversations and break landmark barriers—including creating the first national ad spot to feature the LGBTQ flag.

This move not only inspired young people but also served as an important milestone for generations of the LGBTQ community and their allies who have fought so hard for equality and representation.

Head & Shoulders was heralded for its compassionate handling of Gus' story. Declining sales turned to a 3% growth forecast. That 3% growth forecast turned to record sales for Head & Shoulders, driven by positive brand sentiment.

In the end, Head & Shoulders was able to make a valuable and timely contribution to an ongoing conversation about the ways society defines greatness.

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