Cannes Lions


HANCOMM, Seoul / HANWHA / 2014

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Case Film
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First, we informed visitors through an art exhibition. An art exhibition was displayed with ironic titles that told the story of each tree subject.

Second, we engaged visitors with brochures featuring the cutout 'Window Canvas', our interactive visual identity, which was used to physically frame the trees and see them in a new light.

Finally, we enabled participation by collecting signatures via a digital display. Using a combination on/offline canvas, each signature was turned into a uniquely-shaped leaf. The leaves were then added to the bare branches of a dying tree, allowing it to be reborn in a verdant display.


In four days, our social media channels reached more than 70,000 users.

We needed only 2,000 signatures for our campaign, but we received over 9,000.

Thanks to a slew of citizen signatures, the petition itself successfully led the city to set aside space for a new Garosu-gil in Dogok-dong, another area of Gangnam.

One of the new trees was reframed as an artwork, which was sold for US $45,000.

These funds will soon be used to plant even more trees.

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