Cannes Lions

The Banner That Makes You Like Banners

BBDO RUSSIA GROUP, Moscow / 3M / 2016


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film






Post-it® is one of the most analog brands in the world. Our task was to start making Post-it® a noticeable part of digital conversation. We decided to use the element of the Internet, many people have strong feelings for: retargeting banners. The ones that keep coming back to you with the same item again and again. We repurposed this technology for something we deliberately put in front of our eyes: Post-it® notes.

We focused on men and women who spend their days at the office and browse a lot. The media budget we could operate with was suitable for a relatively wide banner campaign, so we aimed to make it count.


We created an interactive banner, that allowed users to replace retargeting banners with their own Post-it® notes. Behind this banner there was the same technology big websites use to identify people and show them the things they only looked at once. We used a banner network that covered more than 20 000 websites to make sure that the users met their Post-it® notes wherever they went. If a user clicked on his note, he would land on a Post-it® page, where he could create more stickers or delete them all.


Active Engagement - 47,6%, 1300% higher than that for an average interactive banner in Russia and 58% better than the previous highest result, as stated by the banner network we used.

Average Interaction Time - 152.40 seconds, 214% longer than the best practices on the market.

97% of the users chose to see their retargeting banners throughout several weeks of the campaign, 39% of them used the website to add more.


Active Engagement - 47,6%, 1300% higher than that for an average interactive banner in Russia and 58% better than the previous highest result, as stated by the banner network we used.

Average Interaction Time - 152.40 seconds, 214% longer than the best practices on the market.

97% of the users chose to see their retargeting banners throughout several weeks of the campaign, 39% of them used the website to add more.

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