Cannes Lions



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Case Film







The users of the Telephone companies use social media to complain about the service. Claro, the number one telecommunication company in the Dominican Republic, is not the exception. Our users express their nonconformities no matter the post, making 85% of the comments negative ones.

• Brief (Specify if the brief was to come up with the creative (your own idea) or to amplify an existing creative idea (inherited creative for amplification)

To create a digital campaign during the month of the National Independence to celebrate it and generate conversation. A month where all the brands express themselves in the same cliché way.

• Objectives

Because Claro Dominicana is the telecommunication company with more time next to Dominicans, we needed to create a positive engagement with our users during this month in particular.


Demonstrate how the idea was designed to earn attention from the target audience

Dominicans share the worst side of their country on social media, making the negative being shown more than the positive. On our social media, we invited our users to google a combination of words to discover news articles of dominican achievements that not many knew about, which had great acceptance and by using a combination of words, we talked about everything we wanted to talk about without any legal limitations, thus being able to go beyond expected, making several posts during the month.


Our users are focused on complaining about the service in our social media, they express their nonconformities no matter the post, making 85% of the comments negative ones.

We found an opportunity when noticing that they share positive things when they feel proud about their identity. So, we took advantage of that pride and positivity to change the conversation. We deflected the conversation from us, and created a positive message about our country and identity that permeated in our image, in to how our users perceived us, bringing some of that positive energy into our brand and making them love us.

• Key message. We are what we share, we are more than what we see. Share the good.

• Target audience.Potential audience: 2,000,000 people of the Dominican Republic.

Dominican users between ages 18-65.


Implementation of the PR

Through the short animations, we invited our users to google combinations of words to learn about little-known news.

First, the word “Dominican +” appeared on screen and then different words, usually used in negative news articles, scrolled up next to it, until stopping on an untypical word, for example: “Dominican + Cleopatra”. Then it said “Look up this combination and fill yourself with pride. We are what we share, we are more than what we see”. When you google this combination of words, a news article about a Dominican woman named Kathleen Martinez who is in charge of the search for then tomb of the legendary queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, appears.

In the case of Instagram stories, our users could swipe up and see the google search directly from there.

• Timeline. The posts were published through the 14th of February until the 1st of March

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The last point of view


The last point of view

2023, CLARO

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