Cannes Lions
Apart from solving the problem of wasted energy, we were also able to resolve a unique communication problem faced by our client: Pornhub is the Internet's largest adult entertainment network and one of the most visited sites on the web. Yet, because of prevailing social views in most of the world, pornography still remains a very taboo topic, and although over 40 million visit the site each day the vast majority wont admit it. So in order to turn Pornhub into a household name, one that people would actually talk about, we chose a Safe For Work strategy for a very NSFW brand.
That’s how we decided to enter the wearable tech market with the Wankband. By focusing on something like product innovation, we knew we could reach media outlets who would normally never dare to mention the brand and turn Pornhub into a global conversation topic.
The product is based on a long existing technology, motion-based kinetic chargers, but it's approach is innovative in both it's design and application. Most similar technologies on the market are larger, without any sort of harness, and are not linked to any specific activity. The Wankband is a device specifically designed to be used in an activity partaken by users of the brands website with the purpose of recharging the electronic devices used in the process and thus limiting or completely eliminating their carbon footprint. And although we know this same device can have even further applications, we were able to capture an even wider and more meaningful audience in terms of brand awareness with this unique approach.
The next stage of development of the innovation is the production of a prototype, which is currently underway, as well as the beta testing phase. The project is currently being fully funded by Pornhub.
Pornhub is incredibly optimistic about the potential for the Wankband, not only for the device itself, but as an example that even some of the most innovative ideas can come from the unlikeliest of sources.
Based on the overwhelming number of sign-ups, the brand has decided to investigate large scale production of the product. Currently, a design prototype is being produced as we continue to work on increasing the potential of the kinetic charging mechanism. We will roll out a limited production of the prototypes in June 2015 with the intention of having a consumer product ready by early 2016.
Besides the interest in the product, we were able to generate a significant amount of valuable brand awareness amongst a diverse audience and generate a renewed enthusiasm for the use of kinetic chargers as a viable source of renewable energy.
The proof of concept was apparent in the sheer number of beta tester sign-ups (120,000), as well as the interest by the media and the general public in the product, all obtained without any media investment. With more than 4 million views of the video and 706 million earned media impressions, we are confident in a mass interest in the product.
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