Cannes Lions


TIERNEY, Philadelphia / TD BANK / 2016

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Bank ads suck, almost as much as banking. TD Bank does its best to make banking not suck, so we figured we’d do our part in the ad space. We made some non-bankish ads. With kittens and zombies and hissing chickens. Yes, hissing chickens. The ads lived on Hulu where people are used to choosing their entertainment, providing viewers with multiple ways to learn about banking with TD Bank. Like watching a Kung Fu dub about instant debit card replacement, instead of hearing a middle-aged balding man drone on about it. You’re welcome fellow binge watchers.


As the creative was designed exclusively to take advantage of Hulu’s ‘Ad Selector’ tool, the creative ran only on Hulu. The placement ran over 14 weeks (July 20th – October 25th) delivering 3.2 million impressions.


UndeadKittenFu garnered over 3.2 million impressions. That means 3.2 million people were given a chance to see a Kitten, Kung Fu dub or Zombie. Kitten was the big winner as nearly 1.6 million people chose Kitten over the other two options. Overall, the three drove 2,711 clicks (0.09% CTR). This was an awareness driving campaign, which was not driving hard business goals like account opening etc.

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