Cannes Lions

UniCredit per l'Italia


Case Film






The global issue of the pandemic has brought a change in customer needs and in the ways brands approach them. With this ad, we wanted to treasure these changes and revolutionize the communication landscape of the Italian financial sector. First, we decided to focus not on the promotion of a single product, but to push brand values and bring the bank closer to its customers. Then, we decided to accomplish this using a novel language and format for the sector: a 3-minute short film as opposed to the standard 30-seconds promo. This allowed us to create empathy with the public. To show truthfully, and at the same time with a touch of cinematic magic, the hardships that this moment of solitude has brought upon us. And we thought time was ripe for UniCredit to be the first bank in Italy to show an LGBT couple in a commercial.


This TV commercial for Italian bank UniCredit wants to stand by the Italian people and give them hope at the hardest of times. It does so using the magic of cinema when magic is most needed - Christmas. It starts off showing the reality of a picturesque Italian town during the pandemic, where silence reigns supreme, deprived of the peculiar romanticism and conviviality we associate with the Italian lifestyle. However, within domestic walls life must go on, families must support each other and entrepreneurs must find new ways of adapting their businesses. This resilience and sense of togetherness can, and will, bring us back the brighter days we crave. When, finally, the music of our wonderful everyday life will break the silence of the town. All we need to get there is someone by our side, because together we matter. That will make those brighter days all the more beautiful.

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