Cannes Lions



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The primary objective of the lead generation campaign was the delivery of income-qualified leads among Mexican householdsOnline media communication centered around the benefits of a Vacation Planning Video available for free if requested on the websiteAll online media included a direct call-to-action to encourage users to respond Income-qualified Household lead solution focused on direct mail and InternetInternet selected as critical medium due to the high composition of AB users in Mexico as well as the ability to communicate the offer and collect the lead within the click of a mouseInternet offered a highly targeted media solution by allowing for message placement directly in front of parents using select sites and services for:Family fun and entertainment Vacation and Travel researchDeal-seekingMedia strategy for optimal online lead generation assured alignment of the contact for a VPV with users actively pursuing those specific areas of interest onlineDemographic and interest-based targeting used to increase potential of “Disney affinity” among contactsOnline media mix included: Sponsorship of vacation e-newsletters distributed to families interested in particular travel and vacation offersDirect e-mails with VPV offer to select familiesKeyword search banners delivered to users seeking information regarding Disney, travel, family, vacations, hotels, offers, Florida, etc.Banners and buttons rotating on vacation and entertainment channels of top portalsPartners included: Yahoo, Starmedia, T1MSN,,, and Tutopia Total Online Media Investment: US $125,000.00Total visits to Walt Disney World Vacation Planning Video registration site: 45,000+ Starcom IP contributed to the solution in the following ways:Recommended use of online media to generate qualified Disney household leads during critical vacation planning periodRecommended best mix of online media, tactics and targeting to reach users actively exploring interest in family, entertainment and vacation/travelRecommended vehicle selection among Mexico Internet properties and negotiated targeted placements to reach potential leadsPerformed daily/weekly campaign optimization to ensure successful lead generationAnalyzing and making “on-the-fly” changes in placement to increase leads and conversion rates. The program, Disney’s first digital communication campaign in Mexico, was its most efficient, targeted and successful direct marketing initiative implemented in 2001Media and consumer insights were combined to yield powerful results and overwhelming consumer responseOnline households in Mexico are predominantly ABC+ (top 13% of the population in terms of socioeconomic status) in line with Disney vacationers in MexicoWith Income-qualified households in Mexico representing roughly 2% of the population, most mass media vehicles represent higher waste for lead generation effortsInternet is the only medium that successfully combines direct consumer communication with direct consumer responseAudience of 3 Million+ active Internet users in Mexico in 2001This lead generation campaign yielded more than 10,000 highly income-qualified consumer leads for Disney’s most critical vacation planning cycle Beat cost-per-lead goals by 30%Campaign response rates were 4 times higher than industry averageThe 10,000+ households are now members of Disney’s Latin American database and represent a lifetime opportunity for customer relationship management and future marketing communications, promotions, offers and incentives


Income-qualified Household lead solution focused on direct mail and InternetInternet selected as critical medium due to the high composition of AB users in Mexico as well as the ability to communicate the offer and collect the lead within the click of a mouseInternet offered a highly targeted media solution by allowing for message placement directly in front of parents using select sites and services for:Family fun and entertainment Vacation and Travel researchDeal-seekingMedia strategy for optimal online lead generation assured alignment of the contact for a VPV with users actively pursuing those specific areas of interest onlineDemographic and interest-based targeting used to increase potential of “Disney affinity” among contactsOnline media mix included: Sponsorship of vacation e-newsletters distributed to families interested in particular travel and vacation offersDirect e-mails with VPV offer to select familiesKeyword search banners delivered to users seeking information regarding Disney, travel, family, vacations, hotels, offers, Florida, etc.Banners and buttons rotating on vacation and entertainment channels of top portals.

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