Direct > Product/Service


SALEM, Sao Paulo / EMBRATEL / 2003


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Embratel, a major telecommunications operator in Brazil, launched its new local phone service to companies in August 2002. As a result, it became more established in the market, since it was already offering other services such as DDD (long-distance domestic calls), IDD (long-distance international calls), data communications and Internet services.

The aims of the campaign was to communicate the introduction of this new service to companies and generate visits for the sales staff.For customer companies to use Embratel's local calls service they would have to change the first two digits of their phone number to Embratel's 21.


The strategy to launch and aid recall of the '21' prefix centred around an assimilation with the date of the 21st of the month that marked historical events in Brazil and the world. Coincidentally, many important events have occurred on this date – the inauguration of Brazil's capital, Brazil winning the World soccer Cup for the third time, and the day man set foot on the moon. This is how we chose to dramatise 21 September as the day in which Embratel would change the history of telecommunications in Brazil.


The return in terms of visits scheduled was exceptional. The 35% visit expectation rate was greatly surpassed by the actual 50 visits (83%) scheduled. In addition, 17 contracts were closed at campaign launch.An investment of US$ 38,013.73 to produce the campaign generated US$ 128,347.74 in revenues for Embratel, and a return of US$3.38 for each dollar invested.

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