Film Craft > Film Craft


TEMPOMEDIA, Frankfurt / HUAWEI / 2019

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A teenager discovers a fabulous creature and takes a picture of it. When he posts the unique snapshot on social media, it spreads like wildfire and everyone falls in love with the little creature from the forest that soon gets the name “Gnu Gnu”. But the hype also has its downsides: researchers are looking for gnu gnu and a few people start to fear that the creature could be dangerous.

Cultural/Context information for the jury

It reveals a clever twist to resolve of the plot, driving home the lesson about a responsibly handling content on social networks and their dissemination - a topic that could not be more relevant today. Smartphones are a central part of teenagers' everyday lives. They enable uncomplicated communication and connect people. Many users experience painfully that not every moment in life is intended for the public. The film draws attention to more responsibility in dealing with self-produced content.

Tell the jury anything relevant about the edit. Do not name the editor.

It was an interesting edit because we had a fairly classical eerie start/end with a more modern, increasingly frenetic middle. We were particularly careful with sound design to heighten the pace towards the climax - with newsreader voiceover helping to guide the viewer. The main obstacle was time; it was a lot to fit into a 6 day edit, from rushes delivery to client approval. Once we had the main structure of the edit down, myself, the director and a runner took to designing 'GnuGnu' memes and filming extra inserts in the production office. I love the creative process of editing but it's nice to be involved with the other bits and pieces.