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ACE, the Italian household product leader, has developed a formula that can eliminate the hate. The first one that dissolves paint leaving no trace on the environment, thanks to a natural molecule. We started with four stories of discrimination and four insults to be erased, to involve people to clean up Italy together, thanks to Retake volunteers: an association committed to clean up urban spaces. Filling its new purpose "United by cleanliness", the project had the aim of involving people on-field during four events all over the country where more than 2.500 attendants actively took part in urban spaces' requalification

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

From 2020 to 2021, homotransphobic, sexist, anti-Semitic and ableist attacks in Italy increased by 35% (source: Unar). A figure that reflects the fact that hatred is everywhere: one out of two people is a victim of it. This is what a research commissioned by ACE highlights: the 77% of interviewees assisted at least to one discriminatory act and the 50% never reacted.​

With Anti-Hate Campaign, we want to raise awareness about the increasing climate of hatred. To do that, we started with four insults to be erased and four real stories of discrimination. Those of Carlo Maria who received homophobic insults for dancing with his partner during a high school party, of Elisa who since the age of 12 feared summer due to the discrimination she suffered due to her physical appearance, of Mark who at 15 years old in the park with friends saw himself pointed out and called a 'dirty Jew' by older boys and Osayi, born and raised in Italy who, due to the color of her skin, lives every day with the gazes of those who he judges and doesn't consider her an Italian.


From 2020 to 2021, homotransphobic, sexist, anti-Semitic and ableist attacks in Italy increased by 35% (source: Unar). This is what a research commissioned by ACE highlights: 77% of interviewees claimed they assisted to at least one discriminatory act and the 50% never reacted. The objective of Anti-Hate Campaign was calling each of us to do something concrete to erase the most stubborn dirt: hatred. The initiative created a real anti-hate platform that ran in parallel on multiple channels, generating reactions and raising awareness on this significant issue. The brand platform Anti-Hate Formula has been conceived to have a long-term impact on the communities where ACE operates. Igniting meaning in its brand purpose (United by cleanliness) and making it concrete at the same time, the agency is already developing a second wave of this project. Because having cleaner spaces also means living in a freer society.​

Describe the creative idea

To raise awareness about the problem, we started from four real stories of discrimination and four offensive graffiti erased thanks to an exclusive formula that can eliminate the hatred: Anti-Hate Formula. The first ACE product that isn’t designed for houses, but to clean up urban spaces. We told the stories of Carlo Maria, who received homophobic insults for dancing with his partner during a party, Elisa, who has always feared summer due to the physical discrimination she suffered, of Mark, who at 15 years old was called a 'dirty Jew' by older boys, and Osayi, who isn’t considered “Italian enough” due to the color of her skin. To give more relevance to the project, we organized four events all around Italy with the aim of involving people to clean up the offensive graffiti that stains our cities' walls, together with Retake volunteers (an association committed to clean up urban spaces).

Describe the strategy

From 2020 to 2021, homotransphobic, sexist, anti-Semitic and ableist attacks in Italy increased by 35% (source: Unar). And this is what a research commissioned by ACE highlights: the 77% of interviewees claimed they assisted to at least one discriminatory act and the 50% never reacted. Starting from this data and the development of an exclusive formula able to dissolve graffiti, we created a new brand platform called Anti-Hate Formula, to raise awareness against the worst dirt: hatred. The call to action was to remove offensive graffiti together, in order to eliminate discriminaton from our cities. We asked to all the Italian citizens to enjoy us and Retake volunteers, an association committed to clean up urban spaces, in this important mission for living in a cleaner and freer society.

Describe the execution

We started from four stories of discrimination, those of Carlo Maria, Mark, Elisa and Osayi. And we removed the first four hate graffiti, with a big goal: to involve Italy as a whole in eliminating all the others. To give a concrete significance to the project, four events all over Italy were organized with the aim of involving people to remove together the offensive graffiti that stains our cities' walls, thanks to Retake volunteers (an association committed to clean up urban spaces). More than 2.500 people took part and actively engaged into days of urban spaces' requalification. The project started the 18th September 2023 and currently we are developing the second wave. The aim was to create a real anti-hate platform that ran in parallel on multiple channels, generating reactions and raising awareness. Because living in a cleaner city also means living in a freer society.

List the results

Anti-Hate Formula has been hugely welcomed by the whole Italian community: gifted TV spaces, coverage on the most renowned Italian newspapers and engagement of multiple national influencers, obtaining more than 100 millions of impressions and more than 1.4 millions of Earned Media Value. The campaign and its message have been so warmly welcomed that, during the four events linked to the initiative, more than 2.500 people took part and actively engaged into days of urban spaces' requalification.​

And to keep the story from repeating itself, more than 500 Italian schools adhered to the ACE inclusive language course. The brand platform Formula Anti-Hate has been conceived to have a long term impact on the communities where ACE operates. Giving meaning to its brand purpose and making it concrete at the same time, the agency is already developing a second wave of this project.

Please tell us how the brand purpose inspired the work

ACE is an Italian household product brand whose purpose is "United by cleanliness".​

Inspired by the development of an exclusive formula able to dissolve graffiti, the agency proactively created a new brand platform called Formula Anti-Hate, that highlights and gives significance to an important purpose: to live in a cleaner and freer society.​

For the first time ACE takes a clear and courageous stance, filling the pay-off "United by cleanliness" with meaning. Collaborating with different third parties, it gave rise to an ambitious operation, which at a communication level tells about respect and raises awareness about discrimination, and from a practical point of view leads to several interventions in urban spaces, returning them to communities.

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