Entertainment Lions For Music > Challenges & Breakthroughs


VML, Mumbai / COCA-COLA / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Music Entertainment?

The 'Sing To Remember' initiative uses the power of music to elevate underrepresented languages onto the global stage, defying conventional norms in pop culture.

The song's allure lies in its diverse ensemble, featuring masterful regional artists like Achint, whose fusion of genres and musical instruments (Traditional and modern) enriches the music with depth and complexity.

Aditya Gadhvi's vocals, deeply rooted in Gujarati folk traditions, infuse the performance with authenticity and soul.

The chorus singers, representing various Gujarati communities, bring regional nuances and traditional styles to the forefront, ensuring the song's authenticity resonates throughout.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

India is a diverse land with 780 languages.

We’ve lost 200 languages over 2 decades and risk losing more in the decades to come.

The reason for this linguistic erosion is under-representation in pop culture, which primarily features just, Hindi due to India’s largest film industry-Bollywood and English due to global influences.

Influencers also only use these languages to have mainstream relevance.

Around the world pop culture is known to take languages forward, however in India pop culture is the main reason for the decline of languages.

Coca-Cola stands for authentically bringing people together and Coke Studio is about getting artists to collaborate. With Coke Studio Bharat launching in India, we wanted to add purpose to the kind of collaborations we were bringing, giving languages on the verge of being forgotten a stage.

We created “Sing to Remember” a project that enabled us to leverage artists, influencers and communities to hack pop culture by making a billion people sing, dance and grove to our Music.

Considering Gujarati's significance as one of India's largest language communities with minimal representation in pop culture, we started with Khalasi.

The initiative's timing coincided with Navaratri, a culturally significant festival in Gujarat, further amplifying its relevance and resonance. By tapping into the topicality of cultural events, Coke Studio Bharat maximized engagement and connected with audiences on a deeper level.


Globally Coke is about bringing people together and Coke Studio has been about giving artists a stage to collaborate.

India however is very diverse both culturally and linguistically. Yet all our cultures and languages are not equally represented in pop culture. it was important for the brand to authentically represent these facets.

With Coke Studio coming back to India after an 8-year hiatus we needed to reinvent what Coke Studio Bharat would stand for while still staying true to the brand value of authenticity.

Our Objective hence was to make Coke Studio Bharat a stage for India’s unrepresented cultures and languages and build a community that helps make them a part of pop culture.

Describe the strategy & insight

After eight years, Coke Studio was making its long-awaited return to India, and this time, it was more important than ever. We needed to reach not only our loyal fans but also a younger crowd who felt a strong connection to their state's culture.

For these young adults, inclusivity isn't just a trendy idea—it's about recognizing and celebrating their unique experiences and backgrounds. They want to express themselves, see their cultures represented, and keep their languages alive.

Understanding this, we decided to meet them where they spend their time: on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and MOJ. By embracing these channels, with their strong regional presence, we could truly engage with our audience.

Our plan was simple: use the voices of young Indians to revive the richness of forgotten languages and cultures. With "Sing to Remember" we set out to ignite a new appreciation for heritage and identity.

Describe the creative idea

Music has the power to inspire culture and take languages forward.

But this time we wanted to use music to celebrate and preserve India’s linguistic diversity.

To launch Coke Studio in India after 8 years, we wanted to make it a stage to preserve languages on the verge of being forgotten.

We collaborated with up-and-coming Gujarati artists, Aditya Gadhvi and Achint Thakkar, to create “Khalasi” a song that not only entertained but also served as a cultural statement. "Khalasi" beautifully weaved together traditional Gujarati folk elements with hook-step-worthy beats that appealed to both traditionalists and contemporary audiences.

Using influencers, choreographers and singers along with the topicality of Navaratri (a 9-day Gujarati dance festival) we got a billion people to dance, sing and celebrate in Gujarati.

Describe the craft & execution

The execution of "Sing to Remember" began with meticulous planning and collaboration with Gujarati artists, Aditya Gadhvi and Achint Thakkar, to create Khalasi. The timeline spanned several months, from conceptualization to release, with strategic alignment with cultural events like Navaratri.

Placement involved widespread distribution of the song on various platforms, including digital streaming services, social media channels, and traditional media outlets. It was strategically played at major events, including the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, further amplifying its reach.

The scale of the execution was vast, with the song garnering over 4.5 billion views within 90 days of its release, topping global viral lists and receiving widespread acclaim. The initiative generated over 11.6 million user-generated pieces of content, showcasing its immense reach and impact

Describe the results

Sing to Remember" with Khalasi didn't just break the internet—it made history in pop culture, surpassing English and Hindi hits on all the charts.

Becoming the #1 most Shazamed song in India

Holding the #3 Spotify daily viral song (India) for 90 days

#10 Spotify daily top songs (India) for 3 weeks

Globally, it held #8 on the Spotify viral charts for 2 weeks

Khalasi garnered 5 billion+ views and 1 billion+ streams

We generated an estimated $50M in earned PR Value

And even graced the opening ceremony of the ICC World Cup 2023 finals and earned praise from Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi (We can’t put a monetary value to that)

But the true proof of the Doodh Phak (Gujarati pudding) was getting 11.6 Million people to create and post content in Gujarati, proving its cultural significance and cementing its place in the hearts of millions.

Please tell us how the work tackled and confronted disparities within the music industry.

The Indian pop-culture scene has been dominated by Hindi and English music for decades now.

- Hindi Music is the go-to music of Bollywood, the largest film Industry In India. With Bollywood movies being a ritual for most Indian families be it on television or through online platforms, Hindi music has earned the status of being considered mainstream.

- English music’s popularity stems from India’s obsession with considering all things that come from the West as cooler.

As a result, a lot of Indian languages are left unrepresented further leading to their decline.

We created “Sing to Remember” a project to leverage artists, influencers and communities to hack pop culture by making a billion people sing, dance and groove to music that represented these languages.

Considering Gujarati's significance as one of India's largest language communities with minimal representation in pop culture, we started with Khalasi.

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