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Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

Flying Guardians is a new way to experience environmental defense.

This modification to Microsoft Flight Simulator turned players into real-life environmental defenders.

The game's original map was updated with Planet LABS' main service: near real-time satellite imagery.

Now, the scenario is not a simulation anymore. It's a mirror of reality.

A perfect replica where in-game geolocation corresponds to real-life coordinates.

With an in-game tool, players can issue reports to the authorities about threats to the Amazon.

That's an innovative gaming experience designed to entertain, engage, and make a real-world impact: each minute of gaming becomes a minute of environmental defense.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Flying Guardians can be scaled up to work anywhere in the world.

But we shouldn’t forget that the project was born in Brazil, focused on the Amazon – where Flying Guardians stands to have a huge, powerful impact.

Let’s look at two separate fronts: first, the general public, and then environmental activists.

Given the continental scope of a country like Brazil (8,515,767 km²), most people have never come into contact with the Amazon. People hear about the problems in the region, but never really see them.

With Flying Guardians, we were able to bring people to the Amazon, by way of entertainment content – whether through gameplay or Twitch streams.

According to the NGO Global Witness, Brazil is the second deadliest country for environmental activists. In 2022, around 20% of all murders of environmental activists were committed in Brazil.

Flying Guardians makes it possible to monitor the region remotely.

For environmental activists, that means a new and safe tool that helps to identify threats and start a formal investigation.

In a country as vast and as dangerous for activists as Brazil, Flying Guardians was able to bring people closer to the Amazon, and created a virtual alternative for monitoring the forest.

And, best of all: this platform can be used from anywhere in the world.

More power to the people. And a better defended forest.


Planet LABS is the leading provider of daily satellite data about the Earth.

The company's mission is to make global change visible, accessible and actionable through their +200 satellites.

Greenpeace is a well-known global network that fights to preserve the environment.

Flying Guardians is the solution to a challenge: how to make environmental abuse more tangible?

The project went far beyond this initial objective.

Not only did it get people to see what was going on in the Amazon, it also created an entirely new way to protect the environment.

And all without leaving gameplay.

For Greenpeace, specifically, Flying Guardians also solved other long-time problems.

It brought a brand with a 50-year history closer to new generations, generated an unprecedented database of reports about environmental threats in the Amazon (user-generated content) which is the first step for a formal investigation. Also resulted in an increase in petition signatures and donations.

Describe the creative idea

Microsoft Flight Simulator was turned into a real-life environmental defense platform.

This innovative MOD updates the game’s original map with near real-time satellite data from Planet Labs.

With this, players can become real-life environmental defenders.

During the gameplay, they fly over updated satellite imagery of the Amazon. But that’s not all.

They can also issue reports about threats to the authorities (linked to real coordinates), sign Greenpeace's petition, and donate to the cause.

To guide players through the experience, we also created 5 informative radio channels and geolocated pop-ups.

All that transformed gameplay into an unprecedented experience. In which hours spent playing are hours spent actually monitoring the Amazon.

One of the world’s most realistic games. Now, transformed into the world's most accessible and interactive environmental defense platform.

A seamless integration between the gaming experience and Planet LABS' main service: near real-time imagery from cutting-edge satellites.

Describe the strategy

The Flying Guardians' main strategy: give power to the people.

We gave the gaming community the means to become environmental defenders through gaming.

A powerful immersive experience with a real-world impact.

To reach our audience and more players, we invited more than 40 streamers to become "Flying Guardians" live on the most relevant streaming platforms.

It took the gaming community by storm. Even players who don't play Microsoft Flight Simulator started playing to be a part of the movement.

Once the gaming community was engaged, we brought on digital influencers, journalists, and activists to share the project on social networks and mainstream media.

Describe the execution

The Flying Guardians development process took 8 months.

First came the programming. Given the unprecedented nature of the project, it took months of trial and error before we were able to link the stream of near real-time imagery from cutting-edge satellites to the game.

Flying Guardians also includes a number of exclusive functions in the game, such as radio stations transmitting information, a tool for reporting incidents (which feeds straight into a Greenpeace database), an in-game shortcut for signing a petition and donating, and different themed planes.

The launch included a video and a suite of messaging in a variety of formats,and was boosted by 40-plus Brazilian streamers, specialists in MFS and in other games as well.

The Flying Guardians platform can easily be scaled up and expanded to any other part of the world – all you have to do is select a new region to receive updated imagery.

List the results

By turning a game into a real-life environmental defense platform, Flying Guardians turned players into real-life environmental defenders.

This is an unprecedented gaming experience.

Most games can bring awareness to real-world issues. But with Flying Guardians, the main goal is for users to have a concrete, real-world impact.

Gamers reported real threats to the authorities.

That's why the project spilled over, out of the gaming world. Journalists, researchers, teachers, environmental inspectors, and environmental influencers shared the project in the mainstream media and on social networks.

+325h of live streaming watched

+1800 players became Amazon protectors

2933 overall threats reported to the authorities (1096 illegal mining sites, 992 deforestation areas, 608 invasions of indigenous lands, 237 other)

(Greenpeace only) +30% donations and +240% petition signatures

75M earned Media (approximately)

This was just Flying Guardians’ maiden flight. This partnership between Planet LABS and Greenpeace will go worldwide soon.

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