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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

【Target Audience】Young generation has the intention to donate organs but is hesitating to sign the consent form.

【Action】We enabled people to leave their voice message directly on the Hear My Last Wish app, so when the critical decision moment comes, families can listen to it.

【Influence】Encouraging a higher rate of organ donation consent form signings among young generation and subsequently increasing the number of successful organ donation cases.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Taiwan, people rarely discuss organ donation, especially older generations who see it as taboo. This is different from many other countries. Our cultural beliefs make death-related topics sensitive and often cause conflicts within families. Around 78% of donors don't tell their families about their decision.

However, due to the family consent requirement when donors pass away, organ donation transcends personal choice to become a family decision.This makes things complicated because families often aren't sure what the person who passed away wanted.

In fact, the requirement for final family consent in the organ donation process is a common challenge faced by other 32 countries, including Taiwan. Driven by doubt and grief, this skepticism often leads to families declining consent. As a result, up to 99% of families might refuse, leading to organ donation failures.


Young generation in Taiwan faces reluctance to disclose their support for organ donation due to traditional taboos. Even if they have signed organ donation consent forms, they fear unnecessary conflicts within the family.

However, under Taiwan's current organ donation process, even with personal consent, final family consent is crucial. Many opportunities for successful organ donation are lost when family members refuse at this critical moment, resulting in failure. This makes a lot of young people feel like there's no point in agreeing to donate, as their families might refuse anyway.

Our objective is to facilitate smooth organ donation processes to increase young people's willingness to sign consent forms.

Describe the creative idea

Hear My Last Wish (器捐聲紋卡) is a voiceprint database, a simple yet powerful solution. It allows donors to record their donation wishes in audio format for the family member to access it after the donor's death.

Integrated into Taiwan's organ donation process since 2023, donors, upon signing consent, can record their wishes on devices at the same time. The audio is documented in Taiwan's National Health Insurance Database (NHID), signifying donation wishes. In the hospital's organ donation negotiation room, coordinators will play the potential donor's "Last Wish" to seek final consent from families at the pivotal moment. It enables donors to express intentions, transcending life and death, letting family members know the donor's true feelings, providing reassurance and comfort, and convincing loved ones, facilitating successful organ transplants, and realizing donors’ wishes.

Describe the strategy

Helping young people ensure organ donation is necessary due to their reluctance to sign.

After conducting research for six months, including 10 workshops and interviews with over 20 doctors, 150 volunteers, and 30 coordinators to understand organ donation process, the current process is: The donor passes away > Negotiate with family in the negotiation room > Notify the donation center > Perform transplant surgery. These steps must occur within 4-36 hours to maintain organ viability, putting everyone under time pressure.

In designing this solution, we consider the cultural taboos common in Taiwan, where 78% of individuals are unwilling to disclose their organ donor status to their families. Since prior notification during the donor’s lifetime is difficult to achieve, what about after death? Therefore, we enable organ donors to inform their families after they have passed away, so they feel their wishes can be successfully conveyed, thereby increasing the signing rate.

Describe the execution

Hear My Last Wish launched publicly in June 2023. It is now part of the standard organ donation process nationally and accessible through the national health insurance app for everyone.

Official consent forms include a Hear My Last Wish section, allowing signatories direct access. Volunteers at signing stations nationwide offer tutorials, enabling individuals to record their last wishes via QR code, empowering donors to express wishes actively.

In Aug 2023, We also aid all 42 hospitals with training courses, user manuals, and standard operating procedures. This ensures effective use of the Hear My Last Wish database through recorded audio files.

In Mar 2024, we organized a special exhibition for Hear My Last Wish in Taipei, allowing people to experience firsthand the process of recording their last wishes. This well-planned event sparked important conversations within society and encouraged people to have meaningful discussions with their families about organ donation.

List the results

Our biggest success is official integration of Hear My Last Wish into the national organ donation signing and execution process by the Taiwan government. Now, all 42 hospitals are actively collaborating and using our tool.

- 127% increase in organ donation consent signings, with over 84% of potential donors recording Hear My Last Wish, creating more than 3562 voiceprints by December 2023.

- Highest record in 10 years, with a 34.6% growth from last year of organ donation successful cases in 2023.

- 300+ organ donation signing stations with Hear My Last Wish have been established nationwide, reaching a total of over 50,000 individuals per day.

- 1 million+ views of the thematic video featuring actor Liang Xiushen

- $1.2 million+ generating exposure value, received coverage from over 20 media outlets.

- 19,000 attendees, with a total of 1,262 people recording their voiceprints at Hear My Last Wish special exhibition.

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