PR > Culture & Context




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for PR?

Regal Springs' Heaven Fish turns a natural phenomenon in Yoro, Honduras, into a sustainable economic opportunity, igniting a conversation about sustainability and community development. By infusing these elements into its brand story, Heaven Fish not only promotes its products but also pioneers cultural change, inspiring a broader adoption of sustainable practices worldwide. This campaign illustrates the power of PR in transforming a local event into a symbol of prosperity and ecological responsibility, effectively influencing both consumer behavior and broader societal norms, making it an exemplar within the social behavior and cultural insight category.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The small town in the heart of Honduras has marveled at the enigmatic spectacle of fish descending from the sky, a natural phenomenon that has become part of Yoro’s identity for the past one hundred years. The “Lluvia de Peces” or rain of fish is more than a meteorological phenomenon, is also the cultural centerpiece of the whole town, and its main local legend. Scientists believe waterspouts form by tunnel cloud suck up the fish from near the coastline and sent them off, but townsfolk call it a miracle.

People are proud of the rain and celebrate it greatly. In May, a big festival is celebrated, with its main theme being the mystic rain of fish. They come together and commemorate the original miracle believed to have been blessed by the local priest from a century ago, Father Subirana. This cultural strength allowed Regal Springs to create a powerful business idea based on a miracle by turning it into a product.

By giving a designation of origin of the fish that fall from the sky to the townsfolk, came a new hope since they used to earn very little money, about a dollar in US currency per day, until they signed up a contract for a designation of origin to become Sky Fishers.

The miracle of the rain of fish and how Heaven Fish came through with brighter days was then well known across the globe. A brand perception that didn’t just change for Yoro, but crossed borders.


Facing economic stagnation and an underleveraged cultural phenomenon, Heaven Fish was tasked with transforming the Lluvia de Peces, where fish fall from the skies during the month of May, into a catalyst for social and economic renewal. The brief was to craft a PR campaign that would weave the local legend into a compelling narrative promoting sustainable development and community empowerment. Objectives included shifting global perceptions about Yoro and driving consumer engagement through stories of ecological stewardship and social impact. The campaign aimed to elevate the brand’s profile by highlighting its role in increasing local incomes from $1 to $6 per lb of fish sold, showcasing how traditional events can be transformed into sustainable business models that benefit entire communities.

Describe the creative idea

Regal Springs turns a natural phenomenon in a small town in Honduras into a sustainable economic opportunity called "Heaven Fish". In the village of Yoro, Honduras a strange thing happens every spring, it rains fish. In partnership with Yoro's residents, Regal Springs registers every fish that falls from the heavens, giving Yoro's population exclusive distribution rights to these trademarked fish. With a protected designation of origin, these remarkable and rare fish gave the villagers a new source of revenue, increasing the average daily wage of a Yoro resident by 400 percent. A branded experience built up even to the hands of highly recognized cuisines as a rare original ingredient. Everything in this campaign was made for and by the Yoro community, including our sustainable packaging made from banana peels, completing the eco- friendly approach.

Describe the PR strategy

The PR strategy was anchored in the insight that consumers increasingly support brands with a strong ethical foundation and clear impact on their communities. Key messages focused on sustainability, community empowerment, and cultural preservation, aimed at engaging environmentally conscious consumers, cultural enthusiasts, and global sustainability advocates. The campaign utilized diverse media platforms to disseminate these messages, including social media, influencer collaborations, and traditional media outlets. Strategic content distribution highlighted the brand’s commitment to transforming local economies and promoting environmental sustainability.

Describe the PR execution

Heaven Fish transformed a natural occurrence in Yoro, Honduras into a sustainable economic opportunity for the local community. In partnership with the people of Yoro, Regal Springs, registered every fish that falls from the sky with a protected designation of origin and provides the community with exclusive distribution rights. This has resulted in a new source of income for the locals, potentially increasing their daily wage by up to 400%. The campaign has positioned Heaven Fish as a rare and original ingredient in high-end cuisine and local markets, using eco- friendly packaging made from banana peels. The brand has expanded beyond Yoro, with chefs, restaurants, and food enthusiasts from all over already having tasted heaven. This rare occurrence was transformed into a profitable and sustainable business while benefitting the local community.

List the results

The strategic PR efforts of Heaven Fish markedly enhanced brand visibility and influenced social behavior, yielding impressive results across various metrics:

Media Outputs: The campaign generated extensive coverage with an earned media of 70 million dollars, achieving a reach of 200 million. The coverage was overwhelmingly positive, emphasizing the brand’s impact on sustainability and community development.

Target Audience Outcomes: Surveys conducted post-campaign indicated a 50% increase in consumer awareness of Heaven Fish. There was a marked shift in consumer perceptions, with 80% of respondents acknowledging the brand as a leader in sustainable practices. The campaign also sparked significant online engagement, with thousands of shares and comments, reflecting a strong resonance with the brand’s story.

Business Outcomes: Sales increased by 30% year-over-year, with substantial growth in new markets. The economic impact in Yoro was profound, with incomes rising from $1 to $6 per lb of fish sold, directly attributed to the campaign’s success in promoting Heaven Fish’s sustainable products. The brand’s equity and reputation saw significant boosts, positioning Heaven Fish as a model for integrating cultural heritage into modern business practices effectively.

This multifaceted success not only fulfilled the campaign’s objectives but also set a new benchmark for using PR to drive social change and brand growth through strategic storytelling and cultural insight.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and cultural insight that inspired the work.

Every spring, something strange happens in the humble village of Yoro, Honduras. Known as "Lluvia de peces," or "Rain of Fish," it is a phenomenon where fish fall from the sky during rainfall. Scientists believe it is caused by waterspouts caused by tornados in nearby bodies of sea. This is a highly significant event for the local community, as they believe it to be a miracle. The Yoro people's cultural and religious traditions are strongly anchored in the Rain of Fish, which is revered as a symbol of luck and prosperity.

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