Industry Craft > Art Direction




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Industry Craft?

Heaven Fish’s branding and communication design intricately intertwine the unique story of Yoro’s Lluvia de Peces into every element, from product packaging to promotional materials. The craft involved goes beyond aesthetics, capturing the essence of Yoro’s miracle through sustainable materials and culturally resonant designs. This approach not only elevates its visual and tactile experience but also deeply embeds the local legend into a well-known context, enhancing consumer engagement and appreciation. The meticulous attention to detail in translating a local phenomenon into a sophisticated brand narrative showcases exemplary skill in craft, making Heaven Fish a standard-bearer in the category.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The small town in the heart of Honduras has marveled at the enigmatic spectacle of fish descending from the sky, a natural phenomenon that has become part of Yoro’s identity for the past one hundred years. The “Lluvia de Peces” or rain of fish is more than a meteorological phenomenon, is also the cultural centerpiece of the whole town, and its main local legend. Scientists believe waterspouts form by tunnel cloud suck up the fish from near the coastline and sent them off, but townsfolk call it a miracle.

People are proud of the rain and celebrate it greatly. In May, a big festival is celebrated, with its main theme being the mystic rain of fish. They come together and commemorate the original miracle believed to have been blessed by the local priest from a century ago, Father Subirana. This cultural strength allowed Regal Springs to create a powerful business idea based on a miracle by turning it into a product.

By giving a designation of origin of the fish that fall from the sky to the townsfolk, came a new hope since they used to earn very little money, about a dollar in US currency per day, until they signed up a contract for a designation of origin to become Sky Fishers.

The miracle of Heaven Fish needed a symbol, and that how the emblematic symbol of a fish under the halo was born, becoming more than just a symbol of prosperity but a love mark across the country.


Lluvia de peces," or "Rain of Fish," is a phenomenon where fish fall from the sky during rainfall. Scientists believe it is caused by waterspouts caused by tornados in nearby bodies of sea. This is a highly significant event for the local community, as they believe it to be a miracle. Heaven Fish was tasked with transforming the local marvel of the Lluvia de Peces into a compelling global brand. The brief called for a design strategy that would encapsulate the essence of this phenomenon while promoting sustainable business practices. Objectives included creating a strong brand identity that communicated the unique story of Yoro and its community's transformation, leveraging both to foster brand loyalty and market expansion. The design needed to resonate culturally and environmentally, reflecting the brand’s commitment to both its heritage and sustainability standards.

Tell the jury about the art direction.

Heaven Fish is a deliberate fusion of traditional Honduran elements with modern design principles to communicate the brand’s unique story and sustainable ethos. The design incorporates a halo motif, symbolizing the miraculous nature and the cycle of rain, harvest, product sale of our sustainable production practices. Under it is the reflection of the fish. This symbol became so popular that it went beyond and transformed into merch creating 40 new items. Everything in the brand’s communication was inspired in Yoro, from the colors to the enigmatic rain. Typography and imagery are thoughtfully selected to evoke the artisanal and organic qualities.

The packaging uses natural textures and earthy tones derived from the recycled banana leaves, creating a visual and tactile connection to Yoro’s environment. While the use of Sky Fishers' signatures on packaging adds a personal touch that highlights the community involvement. Heaven fish a “Divine Genuine Flavor”

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