Print and Publishing > Print & Publishing: Sectors


VML CANADA, Toronto / COCA-COLA / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Print & Publishing?

This execution celebrates a timeless truth: Coca-Cola and great food go perfectly together. White type on Coca-Cola red gave us the stopping power we needed. Using nothing more than the Coca-Cola font, TCCC Unity, and a fraction of the Coca-Cola logo we’e able to trigger a serving suggestion. This resulted in an agile toolkit, developed to be shared globally. Just as newspapers are part of our audience's daily ritual, so too did we want to make enjoying an ice-cold Coca-Cola with your meal an enjoyable ritual.

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This campaign was designed to work across multiple global markets to reinforce Coca-Cola's magical connection with food. A timeless truth about the brand is that wherever there's great food, an ice-cold Coca-Cola is within reach. We created executions that celebrate everything from globally loved food to local favourites.

Lasaña: Hearty dish with multiple layers of flat pasta sheets.


Meals are the #1 drinking occasion for Coca-Cola. Wherever there’s food, there’s Coca-Cola to make the meal complete. But, with rising competition across all markets we needed to solidify Coca-Cola’s position as the most iconic drink to have with meals. So, we tapped into people’s deep connection with food, and suggested the most perfect pairings to remind people that Coca-Cola is an integral part of mealtime. Magic Duos is a global idea that can be efficiently adapted and scaled across markets. It launched in Canada and Mexico in targeted media for the broadest reach possible.

Describe the Impact:

Meals are the #1 drinking occasion for Coca-Cola. The connection to food is critical to the brand’s market share and their target market’s daily consumption rituals. This campaign was designed to reinforce Coca-Cola's association with food with the broadest reach possible.

The executions launched in Canada and Mexico at targeted media, with an estimated pedestrian reach of 25+ million. The executions have helped the brand to retain the biggest market share in both these geographies. Due to the low production cost of developing the assets, the campaign has been one of most cost-effective “Meals” orientated platforms for Coca-Cola to date.

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Lasaña: Hearty dish with multiple layers of flat pasta sheets.

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