Print and Publishing > Culture & Context


LEPUB, Sao Paulo / HEINZ / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Print & Publishing?

Last Drop transformed real situations of people breaking social conventions and savoring every last drop of Heinz, no matter what, into a one-step, single-message campaign that could be showcased in print, publishing, outdoor, and film media.. It was proof of how irrational the love for Heinz is. In addition to generating identification with the situations, the campaign gave a new meaning to an iconic concept: 'It has to be Heinz,' refreshing it and showing that you don't need a lot to say a lot.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Images of people licking Heinz ketchup, no matter what, are huge on social media. We constantly see someone caught in the act of breaking social conventions to savor a little more of this delicious condiment. And the engagement is even bigger. Hundreds of people always admit that they have done or would do the same. The only possible explanation? Irrational love.

Inspired by real licks, we identified most interesting declaration of Heinz’s consumption. Last Drop is the reflex of a community of ketchup lovers that recognizes themselves in certain situations that are familiar to and raise a smile. It was the perfect tool to generate connection and show that It Has to Be Heinz.


Heinz is more than a brand; it's part of the culture. I mean, which other brand can claim that must be consumed? It Has to Be Heinz. A strong relationship that becomes less and less about price or availability, and more and more about taste, quality, and Irrational Love. Irrational Love is the communication platform that led from real fans’ personal love affairs with the brand, to the extreme lengths one will go to have Heinz, to the obsession and care the brand’s products are made with.

That’s something outstanding and, obviously, something must be done. And when Heinz wanted to highlight this love and connect to people, we found the perfect excuse to do it: why not play a tribute to the people willing to go the extra mile and allow themselves look silly so long as they can get every drop of Heinz Tomato Ketchup?

Describe the Impact:

392 Million impressions. on the first 15 days of the campaign

18% engagement post reached, an 310% average engagement rate.

40+ media outlets

94% of comments are related.

00 elbows licked to reach every fallen drop.

Please tell us about the humour insight that inspired the work.

Who hasn’t let a ketchup drop falls onto your clothes, or on your arm, or over the keyboard… Remembering what Eminem said: “Would you catch it, or just let it slip”?

Well, most Heinz consumers consider it an opportunity that you can’t miss. Even if it means to break social conventions further than lick plates to have all the ketchup you would have that is a kind of old fashioned nowadays.

You know what could be funnier there? Picture these tongue reaching moments a second before they happen.

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