Outdoor > Innovation in Outdoor


LEPUB, Singapore / HEINEKEN® / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

In Asia UCL matches are so late that even the bars are closed. That's why Heineken transformed the only place open 24/7 into sports bars: turning every laundromat into a "LaundroMatch."

So, Heineken tapped into a fan need by creating an outdoor activation that engage supporters directly on the field helping them to overcome the barrier that limited their ability to enjoy Champions League matches and socialize.

Having the opportunity to watch important matches in events held in unexpected places made the experience unforgettable for all supporters, developing a deep and immersive moment of relationship with the brand.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Since the 2002 Korea & Japan World Cup, football has seen immense growth in Asia, with the UEFA Champions League gaining significant traction.

Viewership in Asia tends to surge during the knockout stages as the top teams vie for a spot in the finals. In 2023, it was estimated that over 150 million viewers tuned in to watch the final between Manchester City and Inter Milan, with a substantial number of those viewers coming from across Asia.

However, watching the matches is challenging since they are broadcast around 3am-4am, depending on the location in Asia. Bars are closed at this hour, and watching the game at home doesn't allow the fans to share their passion and vocally support their team.


Heineken is a longtime partner of the Uefa Champions League, celebrating football fans every year. This year's global campaign is dedicated to "hardcore fans," who are not the hooligans, but those who overcome limits, barriers, and stereotypes to follow their team. APAC is a region with a high number of fans of UCL and the big European teams. But those who want to follow the matches have a big problem: the time zone difference. In fact, UCL games take place in the middle of the night (around 4 am), a time when even the bars have now closed and there are no places to gather and watch a game together without disturbing anyone.

Describe the Impact:

In just one week, the campaign had a global reach of over 92 million, with the launch assets receiving 11 million views. News outlets across Asia picked up the campaign, generating 261 pieces of coverage and 537 million Korean Won in PR value.

The experience garnered widespread interest across South Korea and significant publications.

The initiative was expanded to 802 laundromats across the country.

Within the first week, Laundromatch had an engagement rate of over 130,000 people using our web app to view the matches.

Organic visitors 927% above the regular washing days.

The hashtags #Laundromatch and #HeinekenKR became trending topics for the entire week during the launch and also until the semi-finals, which are underway.

Please outline the innovative elements of the work

The innovative elements of Heineken's "LaundroMatch" campaign lie in its unique approach to overcoming geographical and temporal challenges faced by UCL fans in Asia. By transforming laundromats, the only venues open 24/7, into engaging sports bars, Heineken created an unexpected yet highly accessible space for football supporters. The incorporation of QR codes on each machine allowed for easy access to live broadcasts, leveraging technology for seamless integration of digital and physical fan engagement. This strategic use of outdoor spaces to foster community and brand interaction during significant UCL matches demonstrates a creative blend of B2B collaboration and innovative use of space and technology to enhance fan experience.

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