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The introduction of a restrictive curfew in San Juan posed a dire threat to the cultural pulse and economic vitality of the city's nightlife. In a bold response, La H beer unveiled the LoopHotel—a groundbreaking brand experience ingeniously crafted to bypass this law. This activation was not merely a loophole exploit; it was a dynamic act of civil disobedience and a public relations triumph. This initiative not only championed local culture but also captivated public and media attention, making it a potent narrative of defiance and revelry—a party for the ages that underscored the brand's commitment to its community.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Puerto Rico, nightlife isn’t just entertainment; it's a vital social fabric, fostering connections, culture, and economic activity. The law to halt alcohol sales post-1 a.m. was perceived not merely as an imposition but an assault on 'third places'—essential for communal life and resilience. These venues are arenas of expression, where locals unwind and forge memories through dance and dialogue, vital during past crises like governmental protests and natural disasters.

Thus, the law didn’t just disrupt nightlife; it threatened the essence of Puerto Rican identity and communal well-being.

La H's initiative was timely, directly addressing this cultural crisis and aligning perfectly with the brand's image as a defender of local traditions and advocate for the nightlife economy.


SITUATION: In November 2023, the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico's capital city, imposed a ban on alcohol sales after 1 a.m., cutting into the time when Puerto Ricans are typically just starting their night. Not only is this law an affront to local culture and nightlife, but it's also bad for bar owners and bad for our brand. Over 35% of La H's sales come from on-premise establishments such as bars, which reported a dramatic 50% drop in sales after the law's passage.

BRIEF: Create a movement to protest the law in the name of local nightlife culture and business owners affected by the mayor's curfew.

OBJECTIVE: Defy the mayor's unpopular and unjust curfew and position La H as the champion of local nightlife, local bars, and late-night fun.

Describe the creative idea

Our brand identified a loophole in the law: only hotels were allowed to sell and serve alcohol after 1 a.m. Our goal was clear: exploit this vulnerability to create buzz towards overturning the regulation. Recognizing the exemption for hotels, we set out to create our own hotel to bypass the government's own ruling, so we partnered with a local hotel willing to offer its space for what would become an epic and entirely legal after-hours celebration at our LoopHotel.

Describe the PR strategy

The PR strategy for LoopHotel was designed to generate widespread attention through a rebellious but good-natured act of 'civil disobedience' designed to defy the mayor's senseless curfew, build a stronger bond with iconic bars and small businesses in San Juan, and generate conversations about La H's bold (but legal) circumvention of the law.

While much of the brand's content adopted an edgy and rebellious tone, outreach to the press focused on telling the story of a local beer brand stepping up to save the city's nightlife. By transforming a hotel into a hub for the city's iconic bars, La H not only preserved the nightlife but also positioned itself as a champion of local culture and business.

Describe the PR execution

The PR execution for LoopHotel involved a multi-faceted approach to maximize impact and visibility. Prior to the launch, La H orchestrated a teaser campaign across digital platforms, hinting at a big reveal that would transform San Juan's nightlife. The official announcement was strategically timed and leveraged a press conference featuring key stakeholders, including bar owners and cultural influencers, who discussed the initiative's significance and their roles.

On opening night, the event was live-streamed, capturing the vibrant atmosphere and the transformation of each hotel room into iconic local bars. This content was shared widely on social media, supplemented by real-time updates, influencer endorsements, and user-generated content from attendees, creating a buzz that extended well beyond the physical location. Post-event, a series of press releases highlighted the success and the cultural impact of the event, alongside impactful stories from bar owners and patrons, maintaining media interest and public engagement.

List the results

La H strengthened its market presence by throwing one hell of a party while standing up for Puerto Rico’s culture and economy. Simply put, LoopHotel is a unique brand experience that became far bigger than the sum of its parts: an act of protest, an anti-establishment gathering, an after-hours hangout, and a party for the ages.


• Half a million in earned media

• 1.5 million impressions

• +140% spike in conversations about that law

• Bar sales bounced back by 35% during our activation

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