Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change



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Why is this work relevant for Glass: The Lion for Change?

Studies show most men struggle to understand how consent works, and without consent, any sexual act is violence. While 99.1% of sexual aggressors in Puerto Rico are men, most campaigns on this issue are directed toward victims (mostly women).

"Children’s Books for Men" creatively utilizes the simplicity and universal appeal of children’s literature to challenge pervasive gender stereotypes and misconceptions about consent in Puerto Rico. This initiative uniquely positions children as educators, effectively using their straightforward understanding of consent to expose and address the flawed complexities adults often associate with the concept. By flipping traditional educational roles, it not only educates but also prompts critical reflection among men. It's a bold reversal that underscores a powerful message: if children can understand consent, adults can—and must—adapt, making this campaign a transformative force for gender equality.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Puerto Rico faces significant challenges with sexism and rigid gender norms, which often manifest in high rates of sexual violence, where 99.1% of perpetrators are men. Most campaigns on this issue are directed towards victims (mostly women) and little has been done to prevent it by educating men.

El Vocero, a leading newspaper with a long track record of addressing women's issues, seized this moment of heightened awareness to initiate a paradigm shift. Partnering with the National Network of Shelters for Women, the campaign aimed to reshape perceptions about consent, promoting respect and equality. This was especially pertinent in a culture where traditional gender roles often exacerbate misunderstandings about sexual consent.


El Vocero has a longstanding tradition of spotlighting issues of gender violence and inequality, driving its mission to educate and inform the Puerto Rican community. The campaign "Children's Books for Men" emerged from this dedication, representing a pivotal shift from traditional journalism to a more activist approach in addressing these critical issues.

Identifying a significant educational gap in men's understanding of consent, El Vocero bravely transitioned from mere reporting to active societal engagement. This campaign strategically targeted men, the primary perpetrators of sexual violence, with the goal of changing their perceptions and behaviors regarding consent.


Leverage El Vocero’s influence to refocus the narrative on the perpetrators of gender violence by educating them about consent through an innovative and direct approach.


Educate and impact at least one-third of the male population in Puerto Rico on the importance of consent, using a campaign that challenges entrenched gender stereotypes.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate around gender representation and the significance of the work within this context

Puerto Rico's cultural backdrop is deeply influenced by traditional Latin American values, which often emphasize strong masculinity and distinct roles for men and women. This cultural framework has historically perpetuated gender inequalities and normalized aggressive behaviors, making discussions around consent and gender respect particularly challenging. In recent years, there has been a growing societal push toward dismantling these entrenched norms, driven by global movements like #MeToo and local advocacy against gender-based violence. However, resistance remains, with some viewing these progressive ideas as threats to traditional values.

Politically, Puerto Rico has seen increased efforts to address gender violence through legislation, such as the government's declaration of a state of emergency over gender violence in 2021. Yet, effective change is often hampered by bureaucratic delays and the slow pace of cultural acceptance. The public discourse is highly polarized, with significant debate over the best methods to educate and change deeply ingrained behaviors.

In this charged environment, "Children's Books for Men" serves as a critical intervention. The campaign not only seeks to educate but also to shift the public dialogue from a focus on victimhood to empowering everyone, especially men, to redefine their roles and responsibilities in creating a safer, more equitable society.

Describe the creative idea

El Vocero, in partnership with the National Network of Women’s Shelters, launched "Children’s Books for Men," using the simple and direct language of children’s literature to educate men about consent. This innovative approach featured surprise book readings by children, cutting through complex adult biases with the clear voices of the youth.

Additionally, we impacted men directly across Puerto Rico by creating and distributing the Book of Consent for Men, an educational guide in the format of children’s books. It was distributed using the full power of our newspaper's network: door-to-door, traffic lights, social media, and website.

Describe the strategy

The concept of consent is remarkably simple, so much so that they are frequently taught to children through books like “Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger” and “Consent Ninja.” This simplicity belies the common but erroneous belief among many adult men that consent is a complex topic riddled with grey areas.

Recognizing this disconnect, our campaign undertook comprehensive research, including psychologist-led interviews with men from our target demographic to understand their perspectives on sexuality. These insights were instrumental in creating the content of our campaign, which was also validated by social workers within the National Network of Women’s Shelters.

Describe the execution

Our campaign launched during Women’s History Month with a social media video featuring some of the real interviews with men interviewed during the research phase. These willing participants were featured in our launch content speaking candidly to the camera on their confused views on consent. They were then taken to a surprise book reading, in which children confidently explained consent by reading from actual children’s books.

Along with the video, we launched “The Book of Consent for Men,” a simplified guide designed in the spirit of children’s books, which distilled the essence of consent into a simple format. The book was distributed using the newspaper’s robust network: door-to-door, traffic lights, targeted content, and on the newspaper’s website; striking a balance between wide accessibility and targeted calls-to-action directed at the male population. Male influencers and a strategic public relations effort further amplified the effort and encouraged positive conversations about the topic.

Describe the results/impact

"Children’s Books for Men" addressed a critical societal issue with innovative and empathetic creativity and helped to reshape conversations about gender and consent in Puerto Rico. It challenged men to educate themselves about consent and become more active participants in the fight for a more equitable society.

The initiative's success also helped El Vocero evolve from a 'neutral' news source to a trustworthy and respected advocate for gender equality, enhancing its reputation among the community and attracting new website visitors.

• Target Direct Reach: 1 in 2 men in Puerto Rico were reached

• Site Traffic: the #1 most visited and shared content on the newspaper’s website.

• Response Rate: +123% increase in online conversations about consent

• Brand Perception: +1.1M earned media

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

This initiative by El Vocero has evolved into a permanent public service commitment, laying the groundwork for sustained education on gender equality and consent. Currently, the campaign is actively expanding its reach through strategic partnerships with educational institutions and collaboration with both governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The impact of these efforts is already visible. Just a few months after its launch, 'The Book of Consent for Men' has been integrated into consent and sexual violence workshops at Ana G. Méndez University, one of Puerto Rico’s largest and most influential educational institutions. Furthermore, the book has found a unique application within the corrections system; it has been adopted by Puerto Rico’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as educational material for the male prison population. Ultimately, the goal is not only to contribute to the immediate educational landscape but also to foster a broader cultural shift towards greater gender equity.

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