Design > Digital & Interactive Design


LUSION , Bristol / LUSION / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
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Why is this work relevant for Design?

This work stands out in Design because it directly tackles the challenge of making complex, technical web experiences both beautiful and easy to understand. By redesigning our website, Lusion demonstrates how design can go beyond looks to create stories that engage users from the first click. We focused on making something that isn’t just technically impressive but also visually appealing and user-friendly, even on mobile devices. Our website isn’t just a portfolio; it’s proof that design can break barriers(literally), brings a fresh perspective to digital design, showing its power to transform tech into art that speaks to users directly.

Is this product available for purchase?

It is a studio website so there is no product to sell but our services.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Our website redesign was all about showing brands and agencies what makes Lusion special. In the digital design world, it's not enough to just have a good-looking site. You need to stand out by how you solve problems and tell stories. That's our strength. We made our new site to clearly show this to our potential clients around the world. We focused on making something that isn't just cool to look at but also shows our way of thinking and working.

We know our audience doesn't want complexity; they want to see creativity and practical solutions. Our redesign is our way of saying, 'Here's what we can do for you.' It's not just a portfolio. It's proof that we understand the challenges brands and agencies face and that we're here to offer something different. We aimed for a design that's innovative but also easy to get into, showing we're ready to help clients stand out in their own markets."

This revision aims to maintain clarity and directness, focusing on Lusion's objectives and how the website serves as a strategic tool for engaging with brands and agencies.



Lusion, a digital production studio, aimed to revamp our website to better showcase our storytelling design and technical skills, making us stand out to brands and agencies.


Faced with a crowded market, we needed a platform that not only displays our work but also demonstrates our unique approach to solving creative and technical challenges.


Create an immersive, user-friendly website that highlights our capabilities, aligns with the expectations of high-profile clients, and sets us apart as innovators in digital storytelling.


- Showcase our digital craftsmanship and innovation.

- Engage potential brand and agency partners.

- Position Lusion as a leader in digital production.


4 months of production budget.

Project Scale and Volume:

The project involved our core team, emphasizing quality over quantity, to redesign a comprehensive yet intuitive website that exemplifies our wide-ranging expertise in digital production.

Describe the creative idea

Our creative concept for the website redesign was to position Lusion at the forefront of digital storytelling and technical innovation. The idea was to transform our site into a vivid demonstration of our expertise, specifically aimed at brands and agencies seeking standout digital experiences. This direction is not just about showcasing our work; it's about underlining our brand's commitment to pushing the digital envelope. We focused on creating a user journey that highlights our ability to blend complex technology with compelling storytelling.

The target audience includes marketing professionals and creative agencies looking for a digital production partner that can bring fresh ideas to life. By emphasizing our unique blend of creativity and technical skill, the website directly appeals to those seeking innovative solutions to engage their audience. Our approach ensures brand relevance by demonstrating our capabilities in a context that resonates with industry leaders and decision-makers.

Describe the execution

Design Elements & Integration:

- Employed dynamic 3D visuals and animations to engage users instantly.

- Seamless integration across all pages for a cohesive experience.

Design Touchpoints:

- Homepage: Set the tone of visual quality from get-go.

- About Page: Interactive visuals to narrate our studio's story and expertise.

- Contact Page: Playful interactions.

Materials, Style Elements, & Design Choices:

- Adopted a modern, cinematic aesthetic to elevate the site's overall impact.

- Selected a diverse range of materials and styles, showcasing our flexibility and creative adaptability to meet various client needs.

Design Development & Process:

- Iterative design sprints for refinement and perfection.

- Constant R&D to explore the best feasible design.

Choice of Campaign Elements:

- Focused on showcasing digital storytelling and immersive experiences.


- Blending the latest web design technology with creative storytelling.


- Attract brands and agencies; set industry standards.

List the results

Our website redesign significantly enhanced Lusion's brand visibility and reputation, positioning us as pioneers in digital storytelling and innovation. This project not only achieved but exceeded our initial brief, showcasing our unique ability to merge design with technology in the industry.

For our consumers, namely brands and agencies, the redesigned website offered a clear insight into our capabilities, building trust and highlighting our potential as a key creative partner. The engaging user experience has led to increased inquiries and collaborations, indirectly contributing to our sales growth.

The redesign has also expanded our reach, attracting attention from across the digital design community and beyond, sparking conversations about the future of web experiences. It's elevated brand perception, aligning Lusion with cutting-edge design and technological mastery.

Although sales impact is hard to quantify immediately, the project's success is evident in our enhanced industry standing and the growing interest from potential clients.

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