Social and Influencer > Web Platforms
We’ve teamed up with a typographer and designed seven font variations. An encryption specialist helped us to create the algorithm that shuffled the font code every 24 hours, making it even harder to crack. We’ve launched an online platform to transform normal text, into mutant-font protected texts. To use it, people only needed to copy the generated code and paste it in the HTML field of any blog-publishing platform. After publishing, the post would import the Mutant Font, and its content would become protected against automatic tracking systems.
Right after its launch, the project sparked off debates worldwide, becoming news in important publications such as Fast Company and PSFK. It became a topic on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), about Public Privacy.
Hundreds of blogs from Brazil and abroad started using Mutant Font in their posts to show their support for our campaign.
Mutant Font was also tweeted and posted on Facebook by thousands of people.
In January 2015, Amnesty International Brazil published a research on Online Privacy, showing us that 80% of Brazilian people are against the American government intercepting, storing and analysing the internet in Brazil.
To raise awareness to this matter, we’ve developed a web-font designed to protect the privacy of those who have something to say on the internet. Inspired by CAPTCHA and encryption techniques, it has small graphic interventions that keep machines from reading each letter’s shape. Its code is completely shuffled every 24 hours so that automatic tracking systems can’t detect the words written with it. To start using it, bloggers only needed to type their posts on There, they could generate a code that they simply had to paste in the HTML field of their blog-publishing platform. After that, his post would import our Mutant Font, and machines would not be able to automatically track the text.
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