Brand Experience and Activation > Culture & Context




Silver Cannes Lions
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Demo Film
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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

This campaign highlights the collaboration between Renault and firefighters by following a fire brigade in their daily life at the station, showcasing the reality of an intervention after a road accident, and presenting all the actions led by Renault to better prepare them in the event of an intervention on vehicles. Showing unique commitment of the brand to save precious time and lives in case of car accident.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The auto-industry is doing everything in its power to limit the risk of accidents. The structure of the vehicles has gone through numerous test drives, our cars are now more robust, safer, and can alert us to potential dangers.

However, zero risk does not exist. A mistake made by humans is possible.

Every year in the world, there are 1.35 million deaths on the roads and 20 to 50 million injuries,

1 death approximately every 21 seconds.


People are already aware about car safety.

it’s expected, it’s the least a car manufacturer can do (to avoid a crash thanks to driving aids technology or to be protected in case of a crash thanks to reinforced structures, airbags etc).

it’s associated with certain brands (namely Volvo) and much less with others

how can Renault bring a different point of view about safety?

By taking care of people in the event of a car crash, after the crash.

This unique work must be shown and shared with the world because no one knows about it.

It is not just about training firefighters; it is also about including since the conception and the design of the car a lieutenant colonel. Who is a full-time employee at the Renault engineering department to create innovation that really helps firefighters once they are on the field.

Describe the creative idea

Firefighters should be called Time-fighters. They are constantly fighting against time.

This film tells the story of the unique cooperation between a car manufacturer and firefighters to help them save time.

The story is told from the point of view of the real firefighters, who talk about the innovations resulting from their collaboration with Renault since 2010: the QRescue that helps gain 15 minutes in intervention, the Fireman Access that extinguishes a fire in a few minutes vs. several hours, the SD switch that disconnects the battery, the training exercises, and materials to be better prepared for interventions...

Establishing Renault as the leader of post-crash safety.

Describe the strategy

The approach was simple.

We decided to show a large audience the backstage of that unique collaboration with firefighters. How is Renault working every day with the fire brigade?

How is Renault helping them save precious time on the “golden hour”?

60 minutes, after which the victim's chances of survival drop by 50%.

Several innovations and actions resulted from this collaboration and will be known by the public and firefighters around the world.

Describe the execution

The film was directed by Jules and Gédéon Naudet, experts and renowned for their documentaries about firefighters since their film "9/11" in 2001.

Their intimate, sensitive approach, which involved a total immersion in the fire station for 9 days, encourages confidence and allows for true testimonies and a human film.

Portraits of involved firefighters in Renault’s program will be broadcast at the same time to emphasize the human perception of the campaign.

List the results

The results so far are as good as it gets:

- Training Firefighters in 19 countries

- Donating more than 4000 vehicles for them to practice on

- New record in Kantar brand impact and recall

- Italian Ministry of the Interior have rewritten road safety policy

Please tell us how market disruption inspired the work

The auto-industry is doing everything in its power to limit the risk of accidents. The structure of the vehicles has gone through numerous test drives, our cars are now more robust, safer, and can alert us to potential dangers. However, zero risk does not exist. A mistake made by humans is possible. Every year in the world, there are 1.35 million deaths on the roads and 20 to 50 million injuries, 1 death approximately every 21 seconds.

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