Brand Experience and Activation > Excellence in Brand Experience


RETHINK, Toronto / MOLSON™ / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

As a brand that is synonymous with hockey, for years the primary way consumers have experienced the Molson brand has been through hockey sponsorship. See My Name turned the traditional sponsorship brand experience on its head, intentionally obscuring the Molson logo on PWHL (Professional Women’s Hockey League) jerseys in order to increase visibility for female players.

In addition to the updated jerseys, this campaign included a fan experience on and around game day, with live jersey printing for PWHL fans.

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Hockey is known to be Canada’s sport. Molson is synonymous with hockey, specifically the all-male NHL. With the newly formed Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL), Molson knew it needed to show up for these athletes in a meaningful way.

With the PWHL being fairly new (established in 2023), women’s sports was finally being given a proper league of its own, but there continues to be lower viewership, less investment and more disparity for the female players. Not to mention that most women face inequalities due to standards that were developed for men. With an existing lack of awareness for the players, traditional jersey designs weren't helping. A majority of the women have long hair; and with their names placed above their numbers, they often get covered. This makes it difficult for these athletes to make a name for themselves and makes success even harder to achieve compared to their male counterparts.

As Canada's unofficial beer of hockey, sponsoring the PWHL was a natural fit. By putting the Molson logo above the number, we sacrificed brand visibility in order to give greater visibility to the athlete’s names. With the launch of the new jerseys we created a moment that would not only bring more awareness to the players, but give them the chance to wear a jersey that was designed specifically for them.


Molson has a long and meaningful relationship with hockey, and we wanted female leagues to be no exception. With the new Women’s League picking up traction, we knew there was an opportunity to branch out of the NHL space and show the nation how Molson could support female athletes.

With an existing disparity between men’s and women’s leagues we needed to do something that could impact change for the better. By making a sacrifice to Molson’s own visibility, we were able to give the much deserved prominence to PWHL players. And so far, we’ve had an amazing reception, and extended the execution to local leagues. No matter the sport, or the skill level, women’s names deserve to be seen.

Describe the creative idea

While the interest in women's sporting leagues is growing, there are still many inequalities these players face. When watching the game, it’s apparent that the names on the back of the jerseys are getting obstructed by the long hair of the players. Women are already lacking the same notoriety as their male counterparts, but if fans aren’t able to see the names of the players when they're on the ice, how can these women have the same chance at success?

To counteract this issue, Molson sponsored the PWHL by buying the space above the jersey numbers so female players’ names can be seen. By moving their names to the bottom of the jersey, the names were more likely to be shown clearly while the athletes were playing.

Describe the strategy

Women’s hockey leagues have historically come and gone with little engagement. The formation and launch of the PWHL was a moment to cement women’s hockey as an exciting and meaningful sport - one worth rallying behind. We wanted to reach those who haven’t historically participated in women’s hockey (and further fuel existing fandom).

Additionally, Molson’s ambitions were to introduce Gen Z to their beer portfolio. We knew that if we wanted to sponsor the PWHL, we needed it to be more than a logo placement - it needed to matter. While playing any sport, women with long hair tend to wear it tied in a ponytail. In hockey, the ponytail is often low (to allow for the helmet to fit) hiding the name of the player. Molson decided that the most impactful way to sponsor the league was to find a way for players’ names to be seen.

Describe the execution

Existing PWHL jerseys of Toronto and Montreal athletes were re-designed to include the Molson logo on top of the player number. By sponsoring that specific space, the player’s names were shifted below the number, increasing visibility. The intent was not to change any other elements of the jersey. They were not meant to overly showcase Molson, but rather make a subtle change to increase visibility and awareness of the players.

On March 5th, we launched with an impactful online video that highlighted the problem and introduced the jerseys. From there, we leaned into earned media, social and OOH, garnering an outstanding response both in Canada and on an International scale.

We worked with an official jersey supplier to create them for both Montreal and Toronto teams, along with extras that could be provided to influencers and celebrities. Additional jerseys were created for local leagues that featured the new design.

List the results

Molson saw both an increase in sales within 3 weeks since the campaign launch, with retail volume exceeding by 5.8% nationally and +15.2% in Ontario. There has been an increase in brand love, with new consumers finding Molson both locally and internationally. Overall, the total earned impressions exceeded 2.9 billion with the majority being overwhelmingly positive responses, boosting brand perception and making it the most shared campaign in Molson history.

Incredible voices on social media organically began to applaud Molson for the initiative and even some legendary women athletes like Billie Jean King, who resposted on her Instagram story.

Additionally, Molson is spreading the campaign globally, working with the English Football Association to feature the jerseys in the 2025 Women’s FA Cup Final that is sponsored by Carling (a Molson-owned brand.)

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