Film > Culture & Context


DENTSU INC., Tokyo / MARUBENI / 2024


Shortlisted Spikes Asia
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Case Film
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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film tells the story of cooperation towards common objectives beyond differences.

The film opens with a red samurai facing a squad of enemies. As soon as the battle begins, suddenly, a muddy hand emerges from the ground, and numerous zombies follow. Faced with these new enemies, samurais team up with each other. Right after the unexpected brawl starts, the monster King Ghidorah appears in the sky, leading to a cooperation between zombies and samurais. Finally, under the ultimate crisis of a meteor, a new team of King Ghidorah, zombies, and samurais is formed. The tagline goes, "Share The Challenge."


Hostilities spread across the world. As one of the biggest conglomerates with a history of over 160 years in Japan, which globally teams up with people of different nationalities, perspectives, languages, and cultures toward the common objectives of large-scale projects, Marubeni is challenged to shed light on the importance of collaboration.

The brief was to highlight the philosophy, "Share the Challenge," that Marubeni primarily believes is crucial for those who potentially start or change their job. The objectives were to create an understanding of how Marubeni people work essentially, not superficially.

Describe the Impact:

The concept of "Share The Challenge" instantly captured the attention of consumers both in Japan and abroad. Initially, they were taken aback by this unconventional narrative, But it quickly became loved by them. The story seamlessly crosses over genres, including samurai, zombie horror, monsters, sci-fi, and video games.

Our results include:

Over 17 million video views.

Coverage in more than 400 articles.

Garnering over $1.6 million in earned publicity.

A remarkable 261% increase in website traffic to our brand's site.

Furthermore, the principal of a junior high school shared this film with all students during a school assembly, emphasizing the importance of collaboration for the young minds.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work e.g. local legislation, cultural norms, a national holiday or religious festival that may have a particular meaning.

Rooted in Japanese culture is the proverb”昨日の敵は今日の友”( "Yesterday's enemy is today's friend" ) a concept widely adopted in Japanese cartoons and dramas so culturally, so this storytelling is imprinted on the DNA of the Japanese people. To embody this message, our commercial features a diverse array of adversaries, spanning genres like samurai, zombies, monsters, and sci-fi. Additionally, the commercial aired during "VIVANT," Japan's most popular drama series in 2023, which shares a similar theme of cooperation, enabling the audience to easily grasp the film's message of overcoming challenges through teamwork.

To portray King Ghidorah, Godzilla's iconic rival, we employed the traditional Japanese filmmaking technique known as TOKUSATSU, rather than CGI or VFX. This labor-intensive style, requiring close collaboration among puppeteers, aligns strongly with the concept of "Share The Challenge."

For the soundtrack, we selected the legendary "Clash on the Big Bridge" from the Final Fantasy series (1995), ranked the second most beloved Final Fantasy music out of over 3,000 tracks. This globally renowned piece serves as the theme for Gilgamesh, a popular character who initially appears as an enemy but eventually becomes an ally and comrade. The audience readily grasped the thematic connection between the music and the commercial, contributing to its success.

Please tell us about the cultural insight that inspired the work

Rooted in Japanese culture is the proverb ”kinou no teki wa kyou no tomo”( "Yesterday's enemy is today's friend" ) a concept widely adopted. To embody this message, our commercial features a diverse array of adversaries. Additionally, the commercial aired during "VIVANT," Japan's most popular drama series in 2023, which shares a similar theme of cooperation, enabling the audience to easily grasp the message.

To portray King Ghidorah, Godzilla's iconic rival, we employed the traditional Japanese filmmaking technique known as TOKUSATSU, rather than CGI. This labor-intensive style, requiring close collaboration, aligns strongly with the concept of "Share The Challenge."

For the soundtrack, we selected the legendary "Clash on the Big Bridge" from Final Fantasy. This globally renowned piece serves as the theme for Gilgamesh, a popular character who appears as an enemy but becomes an ally. The audience readily grasped the thematic connection between the music and the commercial.

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