Film > Viral Film


TBWA\MEDIA ARTS LAB, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

"Little Garlic" is part of a globally orchestrated Shot on iPhone campaign centered on 3x product demonstration short films for Apple’s 3 key international markets – China, Mexico and Japan. In each of these markets, ‘camera system’ is the main driver for purchase consideration and purchase intent of iPhone. No other brand has undertaken a more organically successful and culturally impactful effort in film.

In China, with a provocative edge and the iPhone's cinematic capabilities, "Little Garlic" sparked a long-overdue conversation about youth insecurity in China. We created cut-through in the world’s most competitive smartphone market, during the noisiest time.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Social media’s negative influence on our insecurities is no secret. When not used responsibly, the social media apps on our iPhones, while designed to connect us, often paradoxically compound insecurities. Apple is not afraid to shine a light on the possible negative impact of technology on humanity, and to invite us all to be mindful of the messages we receive, often on the iPhone itself.

In China, social media has contributed to the rise of its most insecure generation in recent history. With rampant rates of anxiety and youth unemployment, China’s young people are statistically more insecure about themselves and their futures than ever. Amidst this vexing storm, the country’s influencer-heavy digital culture promotes unattainable beauty standards and idealized lifestyles that only add fuel to the fire.

As social media was pushing an insecure generation to the brink, Apple, the world’s biggest technology brand, launched a Chinese New Year film with a simple but provocative message: “you are enough.”

Shot entirely on iPhone, “Little Garlic” was a call for inner confidence to triumph over technology’s potential bad influence.

This was a bold proposition for any tech brand, let alone a foreign tech brand in China, where drawing attention to social issues risks government censorship and consumer sentiment has frequently turned hostile to foreign brands.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

“Little Garlic” is the nickname given to our character, Wei, by her grandfather (in China, “garlic nose” refers to a broad nose). Though grandpa loves Wei all the more for it, her nose becomes the root of her insecurities at a young age. Her confidence diminishes as she compares herself with models in magazines, peers and images on social media. One day, Wei suddenly discovers she has magical powers to shape-shift into anyone she desires. But this gift soon becomes a curse. Wei’s insecurities compel her to shape-shift so much that she eventually loses sight of who she really is.


At its core, the “Shot on iPhone” campaign is about demonstrating the capabilities of its camera in an unquestionable, pure and evidential way. No advertising artifice. Just a pure showcase of what the device in your pocket is capable of capturing.

Every year, we launch a film during Chinese New Year, establishing a longterm platform that drives relevance for Apple at a moment of high cultural importance.

The campaign drives preference over rivals in China — the world’s largest, most competitive smartphone market — where camera superiority is critical to consideration.

By 2023, Apple faced big challenges. Amid mounting nationalism, local competitors were in resurgence. Meanwhile, economic downturn forced consumers to wait longer before upgrading.

We needed a fresh way to win attention and consideration from Gen-Z, our primary target audience during this key cultural moment.


1. Drive consideration for iPhone

2. Build Apple brand affinity and cultural resonance

Describe the Impact:



Average watch time of 10m 21s, over 65 million hours watch time across all assets

228m clicks to (1.8x previous year)



Opened double digit advantage versus Chinese juggernaut Huawei in Consideration (78% v. 68%) and Affinity (90% v. 75%)



82% exposed audience agreed “I want an iPhone for its high-quality camera” (+16 lift vs unexposed)

70% of young Chinese agree iPhone camera captures professional-grade film, up 22% YOY

77% of young Chinese agree iPhone has a better camera than others, up 11% YOY

“I want iPhone for its high-quality camera” up 18% YOY to 75% among young Chinese



79% young Chinese people agree “Apple respects Chinese culture”, up 19% YOY

75% young Chinese people agree “Apple is emotionally relevant to me”, up 11% YOY

67% of young people agree the film motivated them to “stay true to myself”

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